Last seen: November 17, 2024 10:36 am
For the most part in life, you get what you pay for. I find it funny how the vast majority on this form like to slam the bottom feeding low ballers i...
I gave up on the fixed height tripods years ago. First, they never stay in adjustment. I would have to adjust the bubble each time I used them. Sec...
For GNSS, the Leica height hook is the simplest. Next up, the Leica TPS tape (<b itemprop="name" style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; ...
Truth, I'm sitting in DK visiting my wife's family & doing the paperwork I've fallen behind on over the last 6 months.
My MS60 is in the shop to have the HI measure up calibrated, it is consistently 4mm high. The AP20's ability to update the rod height in the CS is gre...
Leica makes a nice little tape for height measure ups. It consists of a bracket that mounts to a tribrach. You hook the tape on the bracket and meas...
Para, I replied to a similar question last week (see GNSS 1200 configuration base rover). I'm guessing your issue is more hardware related since it ...
Radio configuration requires at least 3 different sets of parameters be set on the both the base and rover. First you need to establish direct commun...
I tend to use railroad when describing the right-of-way. A railway generally refers to the network of tracks. When referencing the owner of any part...
I don't think there is any such thing as formal surveyor/client privilege. In fact, most states I'm licensed in require the identity of the client on...
I would tend to doubt that. In most jurisdiction it is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner to maintain the sidewalk even though they are in t...
Do yourself a favor and buy a Leica tribrach. The Trimbles seem to be an overpriced Seco style. The Leica GDF322 is around $600 but far more stable....
I still have my 41cx I purchased in 1984 for a little over $400. The 41 was required for all engineering students (from industrial to mechanical) at ...
A while back I was working on a job in the seeder part of Portland. We broke for lunch and boxed everything up in the locked topper. When we got bac...
Mark is correct, The TCRP's came with the RH1200 which is a spread spectrum radio while the CS15 radio cap is long range Bluetooth. Some of the CS10'...
I think the question should be are there any software packages that do not require a subscription. Even the ones that do not 'require' a service agre...
That would not work on the west coast. We've got counties that you could have a hard time doing that in a car.
I have not bounced up against the limit using four constellations and Leice 4G over UHF. As for the base ID, think of any given frequency as a crowded...
Jim, I have a MS50 that I should probably get rid of. I has just been sitting around since I upgraded to an MS60. Located in western Oregon. John
in my young hooligan days, I made a small mint off of the german version of these things. They were a little simpler with the pack basically just sta...