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Just Chillin'!

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20190614 123049

Getting storm sewer inverts. Inside one structure was a four foot gator just chillin'! See its head at the 10:00 position?

Posted : June 14, 2019 10:22 am
Andy Bruner
Posts: 2758

That little one was just trying to stay cool, out of the sun.


Posted : June 14, 2019 2:22 pm
Posts: 8761

Gator is like, "get me out of this maze of pipes before I starve to death".

Posted : June 14, 2019 4:30 pm
Posts: 66

Do Florida surveyors ever say ƒ??thank god I donƒ??t work in (some different region)ƒ?? Iƒ??ve often thought thank god I donƒ??t work near gators and such. Or near rattlesnakes.?ÿ

Posted : June 14, 2019 6:23 pm
Andy Bruner
Posts: 2758

From so far south in Georgia I could almost see Florida I can say we're glad we don't live in a place where it gets below freezing for more than a few hours at a time, and THAT'S too much.?ÿ I used to catch snakes and my father had a "pet" alligator in his pond.?ÿ He could walk up to the edge and call the gator close enough to feed him.?ÿ He was a little over 8 feet when the Department of Natural Resources relocated him to a pond on another farm that was having trouble with snakes.?ÿ No more problem.


Posted : June 14, 2019 6:44 pm

Posts: 3380

No worries about reptiles in my neck of the woods but today I revisited a monument I'd recovered back in some swampy woods a couple of days ago that hadn't seen the light of day in twenty plus years. Usual protocol, cleaned it up nicely and hung lots of color and I went back this morning doing cross sections to find a bear had yanked the darn thing clean out of the ground and tore everything up real good. Oh well, reset the corner and I'm not going back!

Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.

Posted : June 14, 2019 7:28 pm
Posts: 7403

I'd report that bear to your state board. If he has to steal monuments from other surveyors to use as his own then he shouldn't be surveying in the first place.  ???? 

Posted : June 15, 2019 4:26 am
Posts: 7403

Gators and snakes are just as scared of us as we are them and will try to avoid you as much as possible. Now if you accidentally step on one it will retaliate by snapping or striking anything in the general vicinity. I've only stepped on a venomous snake (cottonmouth) once and I damned sure ain't gonna do it again. I wasn't bitten but that was one pissed off snake. Also that's why you shuffle your feet while moving through waist deep water. If you nudge a gator underwater it will scare it and cause it to move away. If you step on one you'll wish you never became a Surveyor. ?????ÿ

Posted : June 15, 2019 4:50 am
Posts: 4016

I wonder what got the bear so riled up about the monument??ÿ

Posted : June 15, 2019 4:58 am
Posts: 7403

He was probably upset about someone pincoushioning his corner. Or he simply doesn't like Williwaw trespassing. ???? 

Posted : June 15, 2019 7:10 am

Posts: 10522

That's what I do, when I find a marker, where I don't like it. Make it look like a bear did it. Lots of bear scat.

(For real, what makes you believe a bear did it) it's quite possible, but these stories need details, for saturation of the curiosity factor, that runs deep in those of us w/ surveying in our blood!



Posted : June 15, 2019 7:59 am
Posts: 8761

May have to change flaggin color.

Too much color and that glow in the dark stuff drives some bear into a rage

Posted : June 15, 2019 9:48 am