If those sandbags withstand jet blast/prop wash, I gotta get me some of them.
The runways im on are closed so barring an emergency I better not get ANY jet, prop, or even ground effect other wise I'm too close and not paying attention....
FAA paper work for incursions is. Huge pita......
Looks way cooler than my day. Keep the pics coming in and keep up posted.
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
@dougie you guys do this to me on purpose - I just know it.
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
This just happened....
And if it's any consolation....
My first base died after 15mins because no one cares to discard the dead old batteries.....
My last base has 12% with 15 mins to go....
My dad is retired army.?ÿ When I was a kid he was in the Air-Cav and other forms of army aviation.?ÿ We spent four years of the cold war stationed in Germany at the west's largest attack helicopter base.?ÿ It sounds a lot bigger than it really was.?ÿ One of the coolest things I've ever seen was a night flight of 100+ new Cobras (I think they were s models) come in from Bremerhaven.?ÿ Growing up on airbases, seeing military aircraft was at least a bi-hourly occurrence but to see the bases entire fleet land in a single wave was something that never leaves you.
Speaking of a lot of helicopters. I took this for my dad when I was doing some work for the Airforce at the boneyard in Tucson.?ÿ
As a side note, the airbase is now public airfield and the 100 or so housing units are apartments in the middle of nowhere.
Sweet shot!
Funny story...
I rolled out of Safford to visit the boneyard amd Pima,except for the fact that in early 2010 they ramped up some black ops and were using the area for a training FOB.....
And me, not looking like the rest of the participants filing in our cars to the armed Wackenhut check point was asked to kindly turn around and depart the area.
I was bummed.
Yeah that would have been a very cool day in the field.
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
With Relative humidity at roughly 75% and temps from 36 to 43?øF it was indeed cool.?ÿ And now I can't sleep because the failed occupation might throw my baseline out...... ??? ????ÿ
One is none, and two is one. Nothing quite like rework. Maybe you'll get lucky.
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY