Last seen: January 26, 2025 3:45 am
What are the drawbacks? Seems reasonable to me. You shouldn't expect to claim ownership of property that you have not paid the taxes on. If you though...
I've not heard of what you have written. I have had title companies change the exceptions for the title policy they are going to issue based on items ...
Goal post
Certainly not letting a deed constrain the location of the boundary lines based on the evidence found. The deed allowed me to find the land to be surv...
As far as the 1st crew's calibration goes, you should be able to go into the data collector (Trimble Access) go to the site projection, deselect the p...
You might find what you need looking at spite strips. But 25' seems rather large to be considered a spite strip.
It is ridiculous that any company would sell a product that is programmed in such a way that it fails after a certain date and the company charges a f...
Yes the horizontal is most important. You are determining how much your telescope angles off left or right as it rotates up and down. If it were perfe...
You can get the same schedule B documents that a title company would produce for a title commitment without the purchase of title insurance. You just ...
The last call also can't go Northwesterly 148'. It must go Northeasterly and I believe it is less than 148 feet. Perhaps the Northwesterly call is not...
I agree with Norman. The ambiguity in the deed is the same whether the phrases "more or less" are present or if they are removed. I still know where t...
Pipes or stones placed more recently as markers can be off I'm not sure that I agree with this. I don't see any reason that a property monument nece...
The difference in results using a mini prism vs a standard size prism while doing topo will never be detected by the end user of the data collected. T...
I'm curious how you came to the conclusion that there exists a 1 acre parcel that has no ownership? It seems odd that a surveyor would claim that a pa...
In the absence of any other information indicating where to set it, Yes.
@larry-scott I'm not sure if it is of any significance but I found quite a few PIDs that start with CJ and they all come up with the DD indicators for...
Where does it say a fence can't be built in a drainage easement? Is it explicit in the town codes?Are you an expert on the town codes? Tell these chil...
I've heard Rosa's Cantina and a Mexican girl named Felina can be hard on a guys health.
Why do we always set our control where it will get wiped out?