"Can you send me that with 1/4 INCH (her emphasis) contours?"
This after shooting 3 floors of underground parking for the past several days, on a 5' grid, to catch the supposed waviness in slabs that resulted in 3" of ponding. 3000+ shots, sets, double checks, re-running the control to be safe, and giving her a file showing no more than a tenth variation across any individual slab level. I guess she didn't like the answer. Not sure she's gonna like an estimate for subbing a scanner in to tell her the same thing. Also not sure I believe the 3" either.
Give us a call next time. We can scan that for you in way less time and give you more points than you can handle!
We also do a lot of floor level type surveys with a scanner. It is much easier and faster
How many cars were parked on it when the ponding was noted, and how many when you surveyed it?
And what was the temperature? I used to compute mix variations to match modulus of existing structures. She is wasting her time...
You only work in decimal FEET, right? Inches are extra.....B-)
Not many- students don't start moving in for a week or two.
The ponding occurred, interestingly enough, after a massive rain- one that flooded my neighbors house for the first time in 20 years. And one for which I was conveniently in Guatemala at the time.
Oh- the real issue is it's severely under drained- which I did make a point to tell the PE to bring up.
I Don't Need No Scanner To Find 3" Dips
Just give me a couple of kiels and/or cans of upside down paint.
Paul in PA
She's trying to hook the contractor for repairs before the year is up. The flood's timing ended up being rather convenient, from a contract standpoint.
> You only work in decimal FEET, right? Inches are extra.....B-)
I throw in inches for free, but charge 3.28 time my normal rate to work in meters.
I Don't Need No Scanner To Find 3" Dips
Just give me a garden hose, or a good thunder shower.
Given the situation and that the project is architectural in nature her request makes pretty good sense to me.
I spent Friday afternoon in a clarifier at a sewer treatment plant figuring out how to to measure/monitor it. Measure, fix, then monitor while full/running. I have monitored dams, clearwells, sedimentation basins. Have even done elevation certificates for the outfalls of flooded sewer treatment plants. But this one made me think. The hardest part is getting someone who can explain what they want. I got lucky this time and we came up with an excellent plan. I never would have thought that temp changes would make things move over an inch on the arms.
> I spent Friday afternoon in a clarifier at a sewer treatment plant figuring out how to to measure/monitor it. Measure, fix, then monitor while full/running. I have monitored dams, clearwells, sedimentation basins. Have even done elevation certificates for the outfalls of flooded sewer treatment plants. But this one made me think. The hardest part is getting someone who can explain what they want. I got lucky this time and we came up with an excellent plan. I never would have thought that temp changes would make things move over an inch on the arms.
So will you be posting photos/videos later?