I have a TDS data collector. I thought I would update my geoid model in it. Its running Survey Pro 5.1.1. In the past I've used the Survey Link program to make a file and loaded it in the data collector. This is also the same software that is included with AutoCAD LDD and Civil 3D for downloading and converting files. The data collector is looking for a .GGF file. To use the part of the Survey Link program that lets you make the .GGF file you have to have a hardware lock. I have one of these but most of the computers in the office don't even have a port with the right number of pins for this lock. I found an old laptop in the office but the hardware lock doesn't work anymore.
It looks like on the NGS website the download file is a .BIN file. Does anybody know how to get this file type converted to something that TDS uses?
TDS is funny about geoid models - or at least always was - in that the data collector name had to exactly match the name that they use in the software (i.e., Geoid12A (CONUS)).
Having said that, I can make you a GGF if you tell me what geoid and the extents that you need it to cover.
This thread was helpful to me. That Grid Factory link at the bottom did the trick to trim down a .ggf file.
You can get a Geoid12A .ggf for all of the United States here:
Then trim it down with Grid Factory at the above link.