I think I need an autopen like the president... signing multiple documents and trying to make the signature not be wildly different each time is oddly challenging sometimes. 😬
Add a shaking hand into the mix and you have real issues!
Two words - "digital signature"
Not allowed here on certain things, doh.
Who cares if the signature is wildly different?
But, Bluebeam Revu offers batch digital signing over multiple sheets.
Who cares if the signature is wildly different?
The board apparently since they have us submit a copy of it when applying for license.
Out of the thousands of signatures everyone has signed how many have ever been examined beyond the fact of a signature being present? It doesn't happen. Maybe 1 chance in 100 million of a signature actually being evaluated to determine if it was legitimate.
The board apparently since they have us submit a copy of it when applying for license.
I cant even imagine someone checking my signature unless something goes horribly wrong...and then I am SURE it isnt my signature.
I once signed a set of alta drawings with around 8-10 sheets in the set. They needed something like 10 originals signed and stamped. My signature compared from beginning to end looked radically different but they were all signed by me. My hand hurt for a day or so after. Autopen sounds like a good investment.
It seems to me that if you care about the signature looking the same each time, you are concerned that someone will be looking at it closely. This indicates some kind of trouble, and different people in the office might be on different sides of the trouble. In such a situation, the use of an autopen could become known and be something else to argue about.
If your state permits it, use an encrypted digital signature. DocuSign is acceptable for signing deeds to multi-million dollar properties, promissory notes, business contracts and tons of other documents of greater consequence than a typical plat.