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More TBC issues

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I am processing terrestrial data in TBC. I have 2 control points and 10 alignment pins between them. The field crew set up on each control pin and turned 10 rounds (BS-FS-FS-BS) to each alignment pin. There are a few sets that need to have some rounds disabled. Every time, well almost every time, I either disable an observation in the properties box or delete a set in project explorer, TBC locks up. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there anything I can do different to keep the program from locking up?

Posted : December 23, 2011 6:50 am
Posts: 3347

David: I do many of these types of surveys, about 30 per year. We use a high accuracy Trimble S6 and sometimes a Zeiss S10 (same accuracy, 1" and 1 mm+1 ppm). Although having too much data is never a problem, I have found that after 4 rounds we don't really see any improvement in the results. Each additional round is typically within a second or so of the others. So, I am curious as to why you might need to reject some rounds. We do a single round (D-R) from each setup, shooting all points from at least two different setups (i.e. from each end of a line or once on the line and once from another point off the line that provides good geometry)

I do not process alignment data in TBC (or TGO before TBC). Here are the steps I use to process:

1) import the raw data into a database
2) make sure all of the HI,HT, T and P, and prism offsets are correct.
3) correct the distances for atmospheric (using T and P) and prism offsets (raw data in the dc file is not corrected). At this point I can apply corrections from the EDM calibration (i.e. individual prism offsets if different and computed scale factor of the EDM). So far the EDM has not needed a scale factor different correction
4) reduce to mark-to-mark distances and zenith angles using the vertical angles, HI, HT, and corrected distances from step 3
5) export to a input file for geolab
6) adjust in geolab
7) compute offsets from the alignment line

while it sounds complicated, all of the above is done with software programs that I wrote (except geolab).

I have found that this process is very rigorous, and gives consistent results. I have seen similar data adjusted in TGO, and the results are not as consistent nor as accurate.

So, sorry that doesn't answer your question, but I just wanted to point out that there are alternatives. I also tried MOVE3 this past year, but did not find any advantages over Geolab (which is also a true 3d adjustment package), in fact I had issues with MOVE3.

If you want to send me your raw dc file (and the coordinates of your two control points), I will run it through and give you some results that you can use to compare.

Posted : December 23, 2011 7:09 am
Posts: 1121
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Thanks for the input John. We do several of these each year as well and I don't normally process them in TBC. I do something similar to what you describe. I am still learning TBC and thought this would be a good opportunity to check my results. The reason for rejecting some of the sets is that the gun locked on to the foresight prism when it should have been locked on to the backsight prism. We use a 1" Trimble S8 to collect the data. We instruct the crew to set the instrument to collect 10 rounds to each alignment pin. The scope reads 5 sets but it is cheaper to collect 10 and still have 5 when you have to throw out a few than it is to travel 3 hours back to the dam and collect again. But TBC keeps locking up almost every time I hit F4 (recompute). I tried disabling each bad observation in the properties box but it locked up then too. I don't know what the deal is.

Posted : December 23, 2011 7:27 am
Posts: 367

I would suggest contacting your dealer and having them submit this issue to Trimble Support.

It sounds like something that Trimble needs to be made aware of.

Posted : December 23, 2011 7:47 am
Posts: 7277

> 3) correct the distances for atmospheric (using T and P) and prism offsets (raw data in the dc file is not corrected).

This is something I learned the hard way about Geodimeter/Trimble guns. My Topcon GTS-302 applies the temp, pressure and prism offset corrections before sending the data stream out the port, but my Geodimeter 640 doesn't.

Posted : December 23, 2011 7:49 am
Posts: 650

In my opinion, I prefer downloading the raw data. I'll perform data reduction work using Least Squares software like the Star*Net.

Posted : December 23, 2011 7:58 am
Posts: 7277

> My Topcon GTS-302 applies the temp, pressure and prism offset corrections before sending the data stream out the port, but my Geodimeter 640 doesn't.

Correction: the 640 data stream is uncorrected only in robotic mode. When connected to a DC by wire, the raw data *is* corrected for temp, pressure and prism offset.

Posted : December 23, 2011 8:22 am