I woulda snapped a photo of the seagull sitting on top of my Hiper while doing a static session on the beach today...he pooped on it too!!
Joe the Surveyor, post: 411943, member: 118 wrote: he pooped on it too!!
Must've been a Trimble, Leica, or Javad fan.
Sea gulls poop. Although we have no actual ocean shore line in Oklahoma; we have landfills. Gulls are migratory and are all over the landfills. I guess the dumps smell similar to the Texas Gulf shore.... (that one's for you, Kent 😉 )
Once while locating monitoring wells at a couple of land fills we finally figured out we needed to hop in the truck when a flock of a hundred or so would do a low altitude 'fly-by'. It sounds like rain hitting the truck....
Back in the day here there was a photo of a cat sitting on top of a static setup.
Anyone better at searching than me?
That would be Ric Moore's avatar. I understand that it wasn't his setup, though.