Hi all,
I have been given a piece of land, and have the property legal description.
I am having a hard time finding the land and its boundries online, based on its legal description.
Any help is appreciated!
Well, post your legal description. you'll get answers. Maybe even more than you need! 🙂
Hi Nate,
I'm clueless on how to locate this geographically.
Somewhere in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan???
Deep in the woods.
I wonder if there is a way to see the boundries of this tract.
Thanks Payden,
I appreciate your help!
Sean Pen, post: 371294, member: 11674 wrote: Thanks Payden,
I appreciate your help!
just a suggestion...buy a chainsaw and a snowblower....;-)
Unfortunately there is no apparent access to this land...I may just give it to the state.
By Alaska standards that parcel has ready access if the Ford River is half way navigable. Perfect for a cabin site hide out for when the zombie apocalypse comes, assuming it's not all swamp.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
I'll keep that in mind.
Or not.
Sean Pen, post: 371298, member: 11674 wrote: Unfortunately there is no apparent access to this land...I may just give it to the state.
Suggestion. Rather than giving it to the state, donate it to a charity. They could sell raffle tickets to raise money. Just an idea.
There is probably some enforceable right of entry to the parcel going back to when it was severed from a larger tract. I strongly encourage that you find a licensed land surveyor familiar with this specific area to discuss the issues at hand.
That's an abbreviated description for tax purposes and not the full deed description. The county may have a GIS that shows the APPROXIMATE boundaries. In Iowa that would be the Co Auditor web site but I don't know about other states.
Looks like there is a road to the tract, there is a good chance there is an easement (maybe even a prescriptive right) to get to it.
Also there are laws (at least here there are) to grant access to isolated tracts.
If you do donate, I would reserve minerals, not saying you have any, but no need for the state to get those, they sure will keep them if they sell lands.
Hey Moe,
Thank you for the info!
I'm so glad that I visited this site.
I REALLY want to be able to use this land...its located on one of the best trout fishing rivers in Michigan.
This, and I'm getting old, and need to resolve this loose end. I would love to be able to take my dog there and tent out for a weekend or two during the summer. I envisioned it as a simple getaway, alas, it is landlocked...
>>Looks like there is a road to the tract, there is a good chance there is an easement (maybe even a prescriptive right) to get to it.
Also there are laws (at least here there are) to grant access to isolated tracts.<<
How can I get this assumption verified? Thank you so much for your input!
Start with a title report from a title company with all underlying recordings.
Jim_H, post: 371398, member: 11536 wrote: Start with a title report from a title company with all underlying recordings.
I'm confused here...as usual.
I'm a retired EE and have little experience in this realm.
A Title Company will afford things that a County official is not privy to?
Easily. The county usually only concerns themselves with public access. THe county would have no way of knowing about access granted across private property.