Guys n Gals,
I have an HP-48 with a "COGO GX/SX" in it. (There is no RAM card. Never has been)
I used it only a month or so ago, and all was fine with the cogo routines.
I tried yesterday, and when I turned it on, it was at the "Home" screen for the 48, not the TDS screen. I typed in "alpha alpha TDS48" and it does nothing, but display what I typed.
I went through the normal procedure of erasing the memory and re-installing the cogo card, with the exception that I only have one card (no RAM card), and still get the same results. (The normal procedure I have instructs to put the COCO card in slot 1, and then move to slot two). I have tried it both ways, to no avail.
I have searched the forum (which is where I got the routine mentioned above.
I appreciate your indulgence and assistance.
> I went through the normal procedure of erasing the memory
Does this mean you did a cold boot on the 48?
If not I would recomend that. If my memory is correct, and I will say it is very rusty on the 48 as mine broke (read was broken for me) about 5 years ago:pissed: to do this you hold the upper right, upper left, and the power button down at the same time. If it is not this combo it is a combo of three of the four corner buttons.
The other common problem I remember was I often forgot to turn "user mode" on.
Good luck.
If the first reset does not work, there is also a way to do one by holding a needle in a small hole in the back of the calculator for number of seconds, I forgot how many exactly.
James I forgot about that one, I think the hole is under the rubber foot pads on some of the earlier 48's.
Try "TDSCOGO" I think that is what my cogo card requires.
> Try "TDSCOGO" I think that is what my cogo card requires.
"alpha alpha TDS48" alpha enter
You must turn alpha off to get the instruction to execute, alpha, alpha locks it on.
I just tried my TDS Cogo Card, and my card is TDSCOGO. I think the TDS48 is for the data collection card.
alpha alpha "fc48" enter is one way in on mine. You can also choose the library. If I remember right it's purple "library" then look for it.
I just pulled mine out and the answer is;
green 2 ("library"), choose main (C), then "nxt" until you find the TDS program. It could be TDS TDS48 FC48 TDScogo etc.. It changed with each generation and software package.
"TDSCOGO" was it.
thanx again to all.