Just wondering how the newer Trimble robots compare to the older for reflector-less. Our S6 struggles to get very good accuracy unless it is hitting the point fairly perpendicular. I presume it is down to the narrowness of the beam. Are the newer robots better?
On the subject generally but not specifically.
Do not expect to get much done reflectorless if you get a HP gun, they max out around 100m and take forever to get shots even inside that range.
I have seen most of the specs for the robots but they do not deal with how the angle of incidence effects the measurement. Mainly from what I have read the narrowness of the beam can have a major effect on accuracy when measuring at a lower angle of incidence. It's not clear if the newer Trimble robots have a narrower beam than the older.?ÿ It seems the S6 beam is fairly wide.
For flagship total stations, Leica still has the edge over Trimble when it comes to DR measurements. It's all on the datasheets.
4cm in both directions at 100m per the datasheet for both S6 and S7. Leica TS16 specs work out to 1.6cm x 4cm. Leica is definitely narrower.
I don't use DR enough in less-than-ideal situations to be concerned about the difference between the two, but if I really need a lot of DR shots I'm taking the SX10. 1.4cm at 100m, plus the scanning functions.
I only have experience with a newer Sokkia ix503 (and Topcon gt-503 while the ix is getting motor replacement again) and a 10 year old Sokkia SRX robot and a 20 year old Leica tcrp. I use reflectorless more often lately doing building tie ins, so more experience with the newer robot...but I didn't notice a huge difference between any of them. I've never had good luck shooting longer distances than like 50m. "optimal conditions" give much longer shots than the typical conditions I see. I have heard from someone that the newer Leicas are really good for reflectorless.?ÿ
@rover83?ÿ I see that information now in the datasheets. Seems the S6 was 4cm x 8cm but the S7 is 2cm x 4cm. Looks like the S7 is very close to the TS16.
I've always wondered about where or how you should aim with reflectorless.?ÿ Like when shooting building corners do you aim AT the actual corner or do you aim at a flat piece of the wall right near the corner??ÿ Or doesn't it matter?
We have both S6 and S8 jiggers
The reflectorless is better on the S6.
The S8 is fussier about angle of incidence and on target reflectivity. They also take longer to measure. I will get measurements with the S6 that the S8's just sit and churn on. This may be because our S8s are the 'high precision' units.
For real work, in the field, I MUCH prefer the S6
@bstrand I usually measure just short of the corner and then intersect lines in cad. If you measure straight online with the corner half the beam travels past the corner and distorts the shot.
Right, I was wondering if something weird like that might happen.?ÿ Nothing ever looked unusual in cad but I wanted to be sure.
I like the idea of intersecting the lines, I'll probably do that from now on.
With DR it pays shoot at least 3 points on every surface. That way you can tell which distance is wrong.
I always stitch a handful of DR shots along faces of the building and just fillet in CAD using best fit lines. More precise by quite a bit. Just have to be careful with corrugated metal industrial facades...
What does the term "jiggers" mean? I've never heard it. I've noticed that in surveying the terms used really varies in different regions.?ÿ
Australian / Kiwi surveying term for total station or theodolite.
More generally any piece of mechanical equipment.
Probably came from the railways where a jigger was a hand-cart
My 1 year old S5 could be better. If I use DR for buildings I shoot pol's on each building face and then intersect them in CAD rather than the actual corners.
On re-reading the specs the S6 value was for 100m and the S7 value is for 50m so there is no improvement on the beam size from the S6. You were correct Rover83 Leica has the edge on this. Hopefully Trimble will improve this with their next robot.
I think things might have changed a bit in the 9 years since that video was made. Lol
Should it?