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Fishing for a topo

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Then it got dark and couldn't see the target though the scope, but the combination of guide lights and the "mosquito" in the Geodimeter sorted that out.

Posted : June 28, 2019 3:22 pm
Posts: 656

Best method out there for a one-man dry-foot pond topo.

Posted : June 28, 2019 3:43 pm
Posts: 2207
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Yep. We didn't have a boat, and would normally walk in, but this spot is tidal but at low tide it doesn't drain so it's full of mud, and in them bushes is a pig pen with four of the largest sows I've ever seen, with their doings washing freely into the pool, so walking in not a good idea. 8m push-on carbon fishing pole.

Posted : June 28, 2019 3:55 pm
Posts: 59

Nice to see an older Geodimeter in service!

Posted : June 28, 2019 6:33 pm
Posts: 1676

Kinda sorta...

here are my two helpers (who somehow keep getting mistaken for my kids when weƒ??re all out together, which is disturbing not only for the fact I donƒ??t feel that old but also as theyƒ??re both about 8 inches taller than me) in my $200 craigslist bathymetric rig. Somehow became useful twice in two weeks. ?ÿAnd yes- Iƒ??m running (and keeping safe) the controller up on the old bridge from where this was taken.

the day before I was about to enter the creek in chest waders when a couple water moccasins advised me of a better idea.

5EC54439 C71D 4C52 B1CD 7BC2344CCD28
Posted : June 28, 2019 7:40 pm

Posts: 508

I have a water moccasin in my...  Never mind...

Posted : June 28, 2019 7:57 pm
Posts: 8761

On my first underwater topo used a tape with a weight on the end to record the depth and shot a prism mounted on the bow of the boat for the point of measuring.

The method depends upon what underwater obstructions you deal with and the area in acres that the project covers.

Crews always have differing opinions of being in the water at work, always brings a smile to my face because I am behind the instrument.

Have found those days that it was I and the instrument setup on a stump in waist deep water.

Posted : June 28, 2019 11:11 pm
Posts: 2207
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Apparently, being a GDM650 DR200+, that particular Geodimeter is the best ever made - 1 arcsecond, 200m reflectorless and robotic. I bought it from a guy in USA, that posted on here a couple of times - V Poppish. He said at the time he got it new, maybe early 2000's, the full kit was $50k. 

Posted : June 28, 2019 11:25 pm
Posts: 2207
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Also ran the drone, and IMHO got some sweet results. (Just using these at the mo as high res image underlays). A lot of thanks to snippets of help-info on this site.


That last image is part of the 1GB tiff for the whole site, that is about 200m north-south and 100m east-west, that gets spat out of Autodesk Recap photo. And BTW in that last image just at the north and starboard of amidships there's a red spray mark GCP (one of 4 for this site), with a 30mm dial pebble used as a block for the spray to delineate the center - worked sweet in Recap too.?ÿ

One of 4 sites that we did.

Posted : July 7, 2019 1:11 am