Tied in the newest looking section corner I have ever seen today. Typically the ones I find are in a deep cutout in the middle of a road, or in the woods someplace. Today, I pulled up to this particular intersection and could see the gleaming shine of a brand new brass disk in the centerline. Fired up because it was there for one, and two, because it was so new. Upon inspection though I was quickly let down. The brand new disk has two punch holes. I couldn't believe it.
The northerly one is just a reference point set on the line between secs 8 & 9!
Kent was here.
Did you add your own?
Lol, dimple on a section corner,,,,,,,
No. I would never....
Nate The Surveyor, post: 367644, member: 291 wrote: Did you add your own?
No I didn't... There's already one too many.
Some surveyor out there has a sense of humor. There was no need for the first dimple.
Around here, it would include the Twsp, Rng and PM, and a PLS number.....maybe that is just a state-by-state requirement.
Tom Adams, post: 367659, member: 7285 wrote: Around here, it would include the Twsp, Rng and PM, and a PLS number.....maybe that is just a state-by-state requirement.
Tom, I just say do it by the book, only add my #
Affix a brass tag to it. With the url to this thread. Put instructions on the other side of the tag, "For more information about this corner, go to web site on opposite side."
Tom Adams, post: 367659, member: 7285 wrote: Around here, it would include the Twsp, Rng and PM, and a PLS number.....maybe that is just a state-by-state requirement.
In the concrete around the monument were two sets of initials written with a point finger...LOL. You can make out one of the letters in the photo, but not sure if it is an M or W, depends on which side of the section you come from.
Brian McEachern, post: 367640, member: 9299 wrote: I pulled up to this particular intersection and could see the gleaming shine of a brand new brass disk in the centerline.
I'm wondering about the "new" part. To me that disk looks like it's shiny because it gets run over regularly.
I think he meant his first impression, was "New", then, you know... It all settled in on you...
Adam, post: 367681, member: 8900 wrote: What is NFG?
New Fangled Geometry o.O
Adam, post: 367681, member: 8900 wrote: What is NFG?
"NFG" is a technical initialism used in land surveying that is short for "No Effing Good"
Not functionally good. Or something that rhymes with that and shouldnt be posted.
Kent McMillan, post: 367680, member: 3 wrote:
So, presumably there are some reference monuments that prove the location of the corner. Can't you just stamp "RTK" by the incorrect punchmark? It's more polite than "NFG".
Unfortunately the county does not show any recorded reference monuments for the section corners on record. The county does however publish NAD90 coords for each with the specified scale factor. Unfortunately the stamp RTK on it joke holds true for many...