Just used the new export to Google earth in Carlson 2013 , slicker than Sh@#$@#$ through Goose.
Looks like you're about 0.04' off. Better set another one.
its in 2012 too
It's in 2010 also. Fun tool to show to clients!!
I didn't know that it could do that. Just tried it, and it worked great - topo/contours right where they're supposed to be.
2 things... will it work in Carlson 2009, and what is the name of the command... and if you are a Carlson rep, how mucho deniro to upgrade?
> Just used the new export to Google earth in Carlson 2013 , slicker than Sh@#$@#$ through Goose.
> >2 things... will it work in Carlson 2009, and what is the name of the command... and if you are a Carlson rep, how mucho deniro to upgrade? Nate
Yes please, what is the process/command? Did you do a lot survey with GPS to get it to do that? Or is that because of the geodetic system you are tied into in NC.
That looks really good, I have cobbled something similar to that together from my county GIS, but it was not that good.
> 2 things... will it work in Carlson 2009, and what is the name of the command... and if you are a Carlson rep, how mucho deniro to upgrade?
- Starting with Carlson 2013, the kmlwrite routine is found under File -- LandXML/RoadXML/Google Earth -- Export Google Earth File.
- In versions 2009 through 2012, the functionality only supported polylines as part of the polywrite routine found under File -- Polyline File -- Write Polyline File command (via the Google option).
- Versions 2008 and earlier did not have direct support for the production of Google Earth-friendly KML files.
The cost to upgrade will depend on a variety of factors. You could either call your local Carlson dealer or contact Carlson Software for pricing information.
Well, Nate, did you try it yet? Pretty cool, I think.
I am either misunderstanding the command, thus using it wrong, or my version is lacking something.
My radiator is out in my truck, so that has priority. Big brass thing. Nate
The job has to be on some coordinate system, and you have to specify it in Settings/Drawing Setup.