For the past few weeks, I have been self-learning WordPress software to update?ÿmy website.?ÿ My original website was handwritten in HTML, nearly 18 years ago. WordPress is very powerful and quite easy to learn. I've updated my site with lot's of photos and new content, perhaps too many photos.
Since I'm solo right now and don't have anyone here to assist?ÿme. I'm in need of your help.
Please?ÿtake a look at my website and provide your constructive criticism.
I like it, well done!
Looks good, clean and professional.
Going forward you may want to add a page highlighting past projects with descriptions.?ÿ The photos are great but I'm not sure everyone who looks at them will know what they are looking at or what services you did and can provide.
That's something I completely forgot to port over from the old site.?ÿ
It's on there now, a simple task.
Thank you?ÿ@Dan-Dunn
I like the looks of the new site as well.?ÿ Looks very nice.
I personally think it looks like a very dated website format. My web design experience is limited to brochure type websites but I would not consider using any template other than a "bootstrap mobile first" template . The picture icons also look too small on mobile.
I know you probably spent a lot of time on it but it looks only ok. If you know a basic amount of html I would suggest download a bootstrap template and edit in Notepad++. It would give you a substantially better website.
You did ask.........
How much work do you think comes from your website or internet?
I haven't got a website but have wanted to get one, but would probably farm the task out to others.
BTW, yours does look good.?ÿ
Just about all of my work has come from referrals.?ÿ
Some of my largest projects come from clients that find my website. Statistics say most people today will do a Google search when looking to hire any services. Be certain to make your website Mobile Phone and Tablet friendly, as even more are using these devices for a Google search.
@Wendell does an excellent job?ÿcreating websites with WordPress, he is much more experienced than me.
First impression look good.?ÿ Load speed is good - you didn't bog it down with a bunch of 5 mbyte pictures like too many web sites.
I thought it strange that the About page had not much but a webcam.?ÿ If that is relevant, maybe it should be under some other heading.?ÿ The About information is really all on the home page.
I thought the top-of-page pictures could be a little better at illustrating what is discussed on each page.?ÿ The sUAS page picture did not bring to my mind anything having to do with aerial mapping or drones, for instance.
I can't figure out how to load an image in the header that is corresponding to a particular page. Need to recode the template or try another, as this one uses a randomizer for the header. Therefore you never know which image will show.
The about button brings you back to the home page. I need relocate the webcam. I'm not sure where to place that from the old site. But if I remove the webcam, I will immediately get email from across the country by people looking for it.
By the way, you may notice the Winter Olympics flag bearer at opening ceremony is Erin Hamlin (luge) from Remsen, NY. My back yard. Big news for a small town. We know the family well, Erin's mom is the highschool nurse.
Got it!?ÿ The headers should now be in harmony with the content in?ÿeach webpage.
Thank you for your comments.
Nice looking Site. What totally blows me away is the services your firm offers. For an old fart like me it's amazing.
Besides having probably 40 million"Sky Miles", how many people do you employ??ÿ ??ÿ
Not a lot wrong with it for me.
The one criticism I'd make is that, personally, I found the Home Page a bit of a non-starter. I can see why you have splashed your name and credentials across it, but perhaps it would be more attractive with a scenic type image occupying part of it. Possibly just a general view of somewhere near you (see my site orÿ I don't go much on those sites which fill the first page with instrument images which are obsolete almost immediately, but perhaps yours is a little plain.
Things to add: I didn't get any sense of the size of business, so perhaps a little general background under the About Us might help. Personally, I'm always very wary of those whose websites claim they built the whole civilised world all by themselves. (I've seen claims on websites from firms who have spent a couple of days on a project we spent years on - but they "built it") I appreciate from your past posts that you are very well experienced - are all the "projects" listed ones done by your present company, or were some done previously by you or your staff in previous jobs - if so it is possibly better to be honest about that and label them accordingly. Perhaps a few images of the projects would break up the "greyness" a little.
On the training side, have you done the Pix4D accredited trainer course? If so, you should say so.
I like're doubt about that.