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Carlson Survey Cad

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Posts: 2455
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Ok so question. I bring in rw5 from field collector and edit qa/qc process the raw file. Then draw points or do field 2 finish. I now have points we save in point groups . We save the point groups by date etc. I am new to this. But is there not a way to view what rw5 file and date associated with the points anymore. A command or something. That shows the traceability back to the rw5 file.

Posted : March 5, 2024 3:10 am
Posts: 1072

Only way I know would be to put the rw5 file name in the point group description.

When I import points from an rw5 I use the name of the rw5 file for the point group name, and put the field date (last day if multiple days) in the point group description.

Posted : March 5, 2024 4:58 am
Posts: 2455
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Gotcha. Thanks. Yeah I create a layer as well with date. I just have one of those task that having the actual field date it was collected would be handy in real time. Carlson is not a bad software at all. I actually am not scared of cad itself as much by using it for the last month.

Posted : March 5, 2024 5:18 am
Posts: 7629

My field data collection files are named with the job number and date. As in a file collected for job #9999 today would be named "9999-240305".

My F2f system sorts points to different layers - not just to to point layer. Boundary monument points go to a boundary monument point layer, control points go to a control point layer, etc. Same for storm, sanitary, water, gas, electricity, and so on. So there are over a dozen different layers that points will go to. So layerizing points by date collected isn't working for me. Creating point groups with dated names could.

I reduce my data in StarNet. Each day's data in a separate file with the same name as the field file. Which, as I said, contains the date. I think that the same could be done in Carlson's SurvNet. So there is that option.

Posted : March 5, 2024 6:37 am
Posts: 2455
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Yeah the do something similar here. I just have a situation where I was needing the date something was observed and my Trimble Business Center brain kicked in. Even doing f2f in tbc when you select a point it has the date time job file etc. I thought since we collected data with Carlson and processed it in Carlson there might be something similar. I guess once you process the rw5 it’s just like a points file except for manually managing it through groups etc like you stated.

Posted : March 5, 2024 7:02 am

Posts: 38

Maybe the "Point History" utility would help. Under the "Points" menu, choose "Point Utilities" and then "Point History". This gives you a dialog box that shows your imports, cogo and edit-raw data files with the point ranges - along with the dates run.

Posted : March 5, 2024 10:23 am
Posts: 2455
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Thanks I will give that a try tomorrow first thing. I am assuming that all data collector software today logs a date and time stamp in some way. With so many companies tracking production these days. So I figured there should be a way to see this for running reports on the back end. Or in my case extracting it for specific projects etc.

Posted : March 5, 2024 10:58 am
Posts: 125

We process points daily....So that is something to keep in mind for below, our other team does processing much slower so do multiple days field work at once;

1-Each daily upload gets a date designated folder related to the day the work was actually done

2-Each daily RW5 Gets re-saved with with the day of the field work to start, original RW5 name and then the initials of the person processing it

4-After the file is processed the last step in the editor under the tools tab is we make a point group for that day starting with the date of the field work

5-We then process the file in F2F with with the current layer set to the RW5 file name (there is a F2F setup that allows F2F to draw to current layer)

6-As mentioned above we have point history turned on for all our machines (This is an awesome tool but all Carlson machines need it turned on...Has to be all machines or doesn't work good)

7-Set your DC's up to date stamp shots...Real easy and when needed is a huge time saver

8-Our field to F2F finish sorts everything into type points groups but leaves the daily point groups alone

In the end our scheduler is linked by date to our download files, point groups, etc...So everything is easy to find. If you double click on a point the point property dialogue pops up and "Point History" can be selected so your know everything that has happened with that point including the various point groups it is in.

Currently I mainly do construction staking...So taking 2 days to figure out a point's lineage isn't an option....So I need to know everything about a point while I am on the phone with a crew or client....And the workflow above makes that very easy.

Posted : March 5, 2024 7:07 pm
Posts: 2455
Topic starter

Thank you all. I think the point history will work. I will have spend some time working with it for sure.

Posted : March 5, 2024 10:37 pm