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Brain Lock

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Posts: 9
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I am in using Carlson Survey 2013 with built on AutoCAD. A setting has changed somewhere and I am only able to select one object or group of objects at a time. If I try to select multiple objects individually or several groups, it won't let me. arrrggghhh. This has to be an easy fix, I'm just not seeing it. Would appreciate some help. Thank you, LT

Posted : January 12, 2016 5:34 pm
Posts: 382

In the quick properties window, there is a small icon at the top which yours should have 1. Click it and it should change to a + sign.

I do not know how to screenshot and show you. If I could will show you. Hope this helps.



Posted : January 12, 2016 5:50 pm
Posts: 752

Hey Lloyd, didn't know you joined up. Don't know if you remember me we chatted a couple of times at the PLSO meetings in Springfield before I moved to the great not so white North.
In the CAD options window, selection tab, under selection modes (left side) second selection down "use Shift to add selection" should be unchecked. Don't know if this is the correct for Carlson.

Posted : January 13, 2016 5:15 pm
Posts: 24

You might also check the setting for "pickadd" at the command line. Set it to 1.

Posted : January 13, 2016 6:10 pm
Posts: 9
Topic starter

AKSteve... I got the pickadd tip yesterday and it worked... thank you

Richard... Good to hear from you, but I am blanking, sorry. Add a pic to your profile :)... I did check the options and the box is unchecked... Thank you

It's frustrating for me when settings change inadvertently because I came to AutoCadd late in the game and I learned what I needed learn to survive.

Posted : January 13, 2016 7:19 pm

Posts: 699

Hey Lloyd
Good to hear from you. Dan over at Branch just joined recently too.
Will you be at the PLSO convention next week?

Posted : January 13, 2016 7:58 pm