I have a never-been-used V10 that I received when our V10 was having major issues, we sent it in for repair and after a few months they just sent me a new one. Now that we have a TX8 I have not found the need to use it again.?ÿ
I am going to Ecuador next month for another Engineers Without Borders project and was planning on using an R10 with RTX to collect data for a water system design. Among other tasks I have to locate all of the houses (to be able to design a pipe network) and get the area of rooftops (for rain collection). It occured to me that the V10 might be a good tool. I went online to see if there are any updates, and I don't even see it anymore on their web site. Is it discontinued? Is it still supported in the latest access (dc is in the field this week).
After I return I would consider selling it if anyone is interested...
My local Trimble dealer was selling one for 1,200$ which included pole batteries, cables etc. I would venture to say it's dead. Packing in a drone may be a good option...
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
I thought about a drone, but several issues...
1) it would be difficult to get there (large box draws attention in customs)
2) very windy
3) high elevation, 3500 m +
4) unsure of regulations for drones in Ecuador, but they probably aren't any more stringent than in the US
Yeah those can pose some problems. The DJI Mavic 2 Pro is very small and has a ceiling of 6000m, you can easily pack that aircraft in a normal messenger shoulder bag and can handle winds up to 25kph realistically. Pretty cheap too - $1,500'ish. Quick search shows drone laws in Ecuador are reasonable and should be easily to work with.
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
And this is a volunteer project so the budget is not there to buy something new...
I commend you for the work you do. EWB is a great organization and I would love to participate with them one day. While this mission is a short notice, I would suspect vendors would be more than happy to donate some equipment for use on EWB projects. Safe travels!
N10,000, E7,000, Z100.00 PLS - MO, KS, CO, MN, KY
Surveyors Without Borders would sound strange ...
From what I was told, it should still work and you can supposedly process the data in TBC Advanced.?ÿ If you have a data collector with the older version of Access (TSC3, Yuma2, etc...), that may be what I would try it with.?ÿ We bought a "new" V10 a few months back from a dealer for $500.?ÿ It was worth the cost just in the 2 R-10 batteries, the charger and the carbon fiber bi-pod.?ÿ I have not tried to do anything with it yet, but will probably do something over the winter with it.
Oh, yeah, I forgot it needs a specific pole, which I have but is not as easy to travel with?ÿ as the standard 2 m two part carbon fiber pole I use
Not as strange as "Personhole" does. Can't use gender specific names for such features in 2020!! And "dipping" one sounds even worse.
Hopefully you have the 7k photogrammetry module for TBC. Without it the V10 is worthless. The V10 TBC functions used to be in the Advanced module, which is significantly cheaper and more common. Trimble decided to move the functionality that used be in Advanced to Photogrammetry. Of course they don't tell anyone this until you go and try to process some V10 data. This is what happened to us when we had to process some old V10 data that had never been processed. With all that said the V10 is pretty much dead and buried.
Yea, a few weeks ago I was told that TBC advanced is all that was needed. It was by a salesman, so I don't put too much trust in it. I haven't even taken it out of the case yet.
Merry Christmas to all do you have any update about if is still available and working on the Trimble V10 system? As I know Leica offered something similar with only one camera.
something similar with only one camera.
I had a good look at both systems and concluded these are 2 completely different systems and different ways of working with the same base of technology the only thing in common is the photogrammetry approach.
Yeah but I try to find a solution to have documentation and metric information in every point that I measure with GPS rover rod.