MOO!Ok, I yelled. There are more options than I can imagine; so where will it end up? Sections, meshes, automated distortion detection, design to in...
where do you want it to go? (CAD?)
Never been but just got back from SPAR and I have to get work done.
Did they get approval from Fire Dept?While the temporary use of a hydrant is common practice, setting up an instrument over a monument thereby blockin...
Around here about half the RMs on the old FEMA maps are flange bolts on hydrants established in the 70's. Does this mean that HydMon can go after the...
There are several variations of the Doctrine of Priority of Calls. The real goal is to logically weight the evidence to provide the boundary determin...
Last man on earthThe wife did not care for the show, however I am hooked. Thank you for the tip.
Google street view got you tooWhat would you expect when you park like this?Next time walk with a limp and respond to the woman with a slurred voice s...
Could I sign up for a 'boundary line issue' in Arkansas? mmm... catfish and beer.
1. Do not let the dispute get out of control. You are neighbors and you will be neighbors after the dust settles. If this has turned sour, try to tu...
A comedy of errorsAt least that adds a little humor to their perfect work.
Did the fellow tell you that they may be starting in 2-weeks? We are picking up with other things and I do not really care for layout work. The uniq...
Don't fall in.I like your sketch. You show where both solutions are. Now you make your determination that the Rebar was wrong and show the resulting...
>What does Monday have in store?Is it ever good?
Are those coordinates right? Do you get the same answer from two networks? Passive control moves with the land and that can have an affect over time...