It would be nice if you could do a "Network plus local base" RTK solution. Connect to your VRS, but set up a local base. You could use the local bas...
Base And Rover SkyviewThis is exactly why I love VRS, the base stations are usually in places that can get many more satellites as opposed to where my...
That should work, thanks!
They can and were doing it themselves, I was just trying to save them the time from "one-at-a-timing" the placemarks into google earth.It took me a fe...
They aren't a sub to me, but rather to my client (same as me). Pipeline routers aren't surveyors, and as a friendly gesture I've been helping them (s...
There's roughly a 1 meter difference in northern WV (where this project is) between WGS84 lat/lon and NAD 83 lat/lon (and height).For most purposes GR...
If I recall correctly, this guy gives a pretty good discussion:
It is secant, intersecting at the lines of incidence.
I suggest working through the provided examples with Carlson SurvNET as they'll shed a lot of light on possible procedures. Cross ties won't do you m...
Judge for yourself:I have called Jason Scott with Klein Survey Systems with questions a few times, he is a great resource.
My wife is pregnant.I was just poking fun at her, but she took it serious.
He had given up smoking, but upon seeing the air decided he needed a filter in his mouth.
I meant .1 earlier. Mine is actually set to .08, same as yours. When I changed it to 10 (like the OP shows) the leader still worked, but the arrow d...
That was my first thought, too. I just tried mine and this made it work properly (actually made it work improperly, as it was already set to .01)...
Actually no, both offenses have a dozen balls each that are signed off on by the referee before the game starts. Weird way of doing it, with all the ...
One commenter said they could have won with a beach ball.