Thanks Everyone.
Several years ago I used one for LDD. You picked on points and it popped in the elevation with the little line with a circle on one end. If you're i...
Thanks Sinc. You're right about the by layer thing. Its funny, but when I setup figure styles in C3D 2009, I swear that once they got their properti...
Hi Stephen:I'm not sure if this will help or not, but we tried Topsurv 8 and couldn't make it work as-is with our C3D coding system. We found that wi...
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT
It does appear to be a video card/resolution issue. IT gave me a new computer (I was supposed to get one anyway) that is solid state and has a much b...
Thanks Sinc! That sounds exactly like what we are seeing.
C3D 2011. The symptoms are that the little blueish spinning wait circle pops up, but never goes away, effectively locking up C3D. We call it the spi...
We've sort of figured out some work arounds, but they aren't great. Mostly, editing one point at a time is the way to go. Saving before doing any po...
Hi Mark:We're running linework in C3D 2011. It obviously isn't perfect, but seems to be the best that ACAD has done so far, that sorta works (without...
Maybe some of the .xml and .xsl settings files got deleted? There are several required to make it work. c:ProgramDataAutodeskC3D 2011enuDataReportsxs...
I hadn't heard about the prism offset problem. That definitely sounds sketchy. Our solution to the rotation/translation issue is simply to not use t...
This is a pretty simple thing to do if you have the SincPac software. Here is a link to their how to:br>Otherwise, the best way to do it is to spit o...
Thanks! This will work for us as we don't do in data collector linework (only after the fact). Funny that our dealer didn't know this.
Thanks Mike - that looks like what I'm looking for. Everyone - thanks for your help and insight - I appreciate it!
Here is the situation. I haven't had a chance to look at it myself, which is why I asked a more general question to get some ideas on what it could b...