Creighton was a giant of a man, it is an honor to have known him and to be able to consider him as a friend.
In order for an engineering firm to offer land surveying services in New York, the LS has to be a share holder. Can not be a part time individual.
In most states, the accuracies you are trying to obtain and then publish would be classified as "authoritative positions" and can only be performed by...
Very InterestingShould never have to bid professional services....
Pull tight!Stick!Stuck!Damn I should have put it four wheel drive...Why do I have to hop rod?Its cold out there, lets have another round of coffee...I...
Forgot to clarify. Are there other mechanical fixtures in that partial basement? Perhaps additional sketches and information should be attached and ...
I am not sure I would classify a sump pump as machinery, they are typically removable, not like a water heater or furnace type appliance that are semi...
not even worth a comment..whoops..i commented
Thanks...will clarify with my legal eagle...and would not do it without the client being advised. I am going to suggest they pay the larger bills by ...
I agree
I have a client that likes to pay his $30,000 dollar bill with a credit card and it finally dawned on me that the fee for using the credit card is $82...
$ 20,000, want to take a trip this winter and need the extra cash. actually, i do not believe in bidding professional services, maybe that is why i d...
I do not think you can quote a salary. Every situation is different. It boils down to what the employer is willing to pay and what the individual is...
Wow..and they do not even require a license. I guess it depends on what part of the country you live in. New York, large engineering company..I woul...
To think i went in the field today and missed all this discussion...darn.
I totally agree...especially when the monument is usually a diameter greater than what you are missing the corner by. How accurate is the location? ...
You should be able to do a search in your local county clerk's office to see if he has pledged the equipment against any bank loans. Similar to a car...
As long as the survey says it was prepared by you..and not them...I do not have a problem with it. Work is work. I have done work for major corporat...
We have used Timewarner for phone, internet and cable for a few years now. Only problems that occur are when power goes out, you loose all phone lines...
Questionable, I would submit to your licensing authority for their ruling. Mr. R has to be able to review the work done by Mr. E. Mr. E can not adve...