Last seen: November 19, 2024 1:37 pm
Yes you can but a deep cycle marine battery works a little better and will have a longer lifetime before needing to be replaced. Optima Blue is a bran...
@sean-r-m But if you hadn't posted on line we all could not have benefited from your research and the resulting education.
Don't know if this applies but if I owned to the section line and I gave up a 30' ROW from the section line and later that ROW was vacated, I should g...
@r-leonard Yes it is. I'm not familiar with the scope of work that is called "verifying a boundary". I'm only familiar with doing a boundary survey. Y...
Ajax confirms the 20-year-old recorded boundary location, but finds some mysterious underground remnants that may suggest an alternative boundary theo...
The only 2 things I know that make a Pacrest radio do that are overheating and battery voltage dipping below a certain amount when the broadcast signa...
I hate it when that happens.
I just did a quick google search and came up with this; Re: Online fraud IndonesiaI am Mr. Vinh Tran from Kinh Bac Construction and Trading Joint Sto...
From what I have heard, you will get what you have paid for if you get anything at all.
There is no need to get our opinions. You have every justification to do what you feel is right. Make the decision that allows you to sleep easily. Mo...
That video would make a solid court case for the refund of tuition. It is sad they are teaching these procedures and charging students who don't have ...
@mathteacher Go find some crotchety old guy and ask him to explain it.
It appears the church clock and camera clock were in agreement.
As long as the bearings and distances can reasonably be interpreted as the base of the hill they should be honored. The only way to ignore them and su...
If I'm gonna take a walmart wage in trade for the ways of the Jedi, I better not be working for Jabba the Hut. Speak well he does.
@bill93 If your level is out of adjustment, you could be, say 1.5' off at the far end of your loop. Then returning using the same turn points likely w...
Run, don't walk. Leave as fast as you can. You should be applauded for trying to figure out how to make all of this work. On the other hand the compan...
@norman-oklahoma Wait a minute, are you saying satellite signals follow the same path as light? I've always thought light reflects so that we have ind...
@lunarfaze Because land owners rely on monuments to make decisions regarding things on their land. A landowner who has relied on these monuments shoul...
@aliquot I disagree. I do not interpret it that way. As PLS 9196 said, even if it is only 0.06' different than calced, many surveyors will show this o...