Don't worry, the copperhead always bites the second man through.
Where is the white flagging?
Reminds me of a guy I used to know who gave himself a tatoo. It was suppose to read "Highway to Hell" except he forgot the second "h" in Highway. He...
This is a family subdivision of one 5 acre tract. There is really nothing to tie down to get me back on his plat.
Yes I believe they have road frontage. I have two thoughts on this. 1-I have no evidence that a surveyor ever set foot on this property. That bothe...
I would be interested in these units. Can you email me and we can chat?
I'm not on any medication. Really none you can take except benedryl, if there's a reaction. I also got into a bunch of chiggers 4 years ago, probabl...
As a greenhorn rodman in the early '90's, my crew had to follow up on another crews job and run levels. The PC from the other had crew chisled and pa...
I'm paying cash. It's not required. Why would I pay for one?
A higher powered metal detector?:good:
Not a whole lot you can do. You can't locate it until it is marked. I just did a topo and the local owner of the water system came out and located t...
The field crew rate does not figure in. I was hoping to get a percentage based on the rate of the field crew without giving me specific answers. i.e...
I'm not sure how long, but the farm road has been there quite a few years. If the current owners were not selling they would continue using the road ...
Not being a smart@#&, but why are you calc checking a plat that has nothing to do with anything you are working on?
No it's not family. Which may be a good thing! As I said, I have not spoken to the adjoiner selling the land, but my client said they will sell "onl...