I can only make my software display four decimal parts of a second. What software are you using?
If you get up that way let me know. Thanks. I really appreciate the invitation.
I assume its semi permanent stations located throughout your areas you work. We use what our GNSS network provider describes as: 1. A multi base d...
Is there an airport nearby? No, but there is an ER.
Otherwise, the lot is land locked and of value only to someone who has access to a public road. Ingress and egress.
The 40’ radius cul-de-sac was never built and the road is now a private road in a multi owner subdivision. So, the 50' ROW of Southwood Circle abut...
I am confused by the 50' ROW for the street and the 40' radius with found pins on the radius. Looks like the 50' street ROW runs up to the throat o...
@holy-cow Guess I read the OP's post incorrectly. They want to determine, as in on the ground, the location of the frontage? Holy Cow + 1, Field Dog...
I want to determine the front lot line for the depicted lot. What line? It's an arc. The frontage of the lot has an arc length of 74.71'. Why is th...
"As-Built” refers to a drawing that shows the existing dimensions and conditions of a building, space, or area. I don't think "as-built" correlate...
"Set the vertical (zenith) angle, horizontal angle, instrument point coordinates, H.I. values and so on, according to the calculation to be executed."...
It was nothing but a blob of wet fuzz Interesting description.
Shadow study side of things I'm trying to understand this. Is this a preliminary study to keep as much of a building out of the sun as possible?
Something like a LaserLine Direct ELEVATION Cut/Fill LENKER Grade Rod For Laser Level? I think that would be a good idea. There's something I think yo...
Welcome from Orlando, FL. Commercial swimming pools? What an interesting surveying niche. Are these 2D or 3D surveys?
@mathteacher Yes, absolutely.