I have seen the distance be the distance between the properties, the closest property corners or lines. Ed
I agree, I used it for years before I found out about using a point number comma point number for a bearing recall, or a distance recall between two p...
That is SurvCE, at least on the one in front of me. Ed
You need to be careful being on sand piles, I was warned about air-pockets that you could fall into.?ÿ I would use a total station with reflectorless ...
Go to COGO and then pick Point in Direction. Ed
In our area a 170 acre boundary would be approximately 13,000 feet around it. Ed
What software version are you using??ÿ I had that problem a couple of years ago, but not often since I updated to version 3. Ed
I get -6.974'
Welcome from a southerner in NC. Ed
I get similar results with my Leica 1203. Ed
Thanks, I have never noticed it before.?ÿ It is good to learn something new everyday. ?ÿ Ed
Thanks Peter, it look like I need to start using background masks. ?ÿ Ed
We got them from the cotton mills and used them for property corners.?ÿ We would also cut a short section off of one and make a punch for marking our ...
What about the processing software for solving the vectors between the base and rover? Ed
Welcome from North Carolina. Ed
A double tie is the same as your check points, but are to other important points that need to be located.?ÿ The same point is located from different s...
Welcome from North Carolina, USA. Ed ?ÿ
Loyal is correct in that I can not get LGO to open so that I can make a RINEX file, I have always been able to used LGO to make the individual RINEX f...
I am using a Leica GS14.