Daryl, you are a very talented man.?ÿ
I could see anyone over 6'3" running into every transom in their path causing some sort of L&I claim.?ÿ
I fired a client last week. He wanted me to recover the lot corners (which I did) and set offsets for his building.?ÿ Sent me his plans which had setb...
@mathteacher Sadly, it appears that Via Rail doesn't go thru Banff and Lake Louise anymore. You need to take the bougie tourist train to get there.
This came across my desk a few weeks ago. It seems perfect for the independent minded one-man crew. Certain models have a remote and I imagine all k...
Thirty-six years ago my bride and I rode the Via Rail from Vancouver BC to Banff Springs for our honeymoon. The return trip was right before Grey Cup ...
Zoom allows you to change your background so that you can appear anywhere you want.?ÿ A guy I meet with regularly always has some cartoonish monster i...
@not-my-real-name?ÿ You probably have explored this but have you considered that the radius at the corner is something other than what was drafted.?ÿ ...
@not-my-real-name How in the hell does not one but two plats done in the last sixty years not close? I would be standing on my head trying to figure t...
Sky cleared yesterday after a bout of rain. Everything looks happier in my yard and I could see the airplanes flying overhead. I can't remember the la...
Part of this mornings email from the health department:?ÿ Current air quality conditions are UNHEALTHY FOR SENSITIVE GROUPS to UNHEALTHY. ?ÿ When a...
My friend calls his Expedition the Extortion.?ÿ I would take some of that orange paint that you have laying around and paint the corners of that rear...
Climate Change meaning Causes of Climate Change When did Climate Change start Were the top three choices I think. Seeing the computer screen throug...
I don't see why you wouldn't do both. Describe the lots using bounds or metes and then add the also known as parenthetically at the end. The map is re...
I've argued situation B to several planners over the years and have always ultimately prevailed.?ÿ In fact I got one of them to issue a directors rule...
My daughter works for the City of Florence and is working from our house in Seattle this week. Her apartment is occupied by several friends that had t...
I carry a claw hammer, screw driver and a hand full of galvanized/stainless nails salvaged from a construction site. After 40 years of this, I've gott...
I came across a pile old round batteries at a triangulation station once that probably powered something like this.?ÿ This got me to recover my field ...
This shall be known as the Periwinkle Effect.?ÿ
I admire you for being up front, and honest about trying to drive the project to one which would have been a good conclusion for everyone. There proba...