Beautiful creaturesYou're more than welcome.These hounds are "chewers" too. A stuffed doggie toy lasts about 30 minutes and the living room is covered...
Australian Sheppards are really cool, but MAN do they demand attention. Mine wants to play 24/7. Here's my knot head and her best buddy:Garfield and O...
Not here...Our area is pretty much the same as yours. The South has taken a hard hit over the last 4 or 5 years.Those areas with oil work and pipeline...
Then there's Find A control. It shows all of the NGS, state and local control points near your phone location. Let's you view the NGS data sheets.
"Does anyone actually pay attention to the job requirements when they send their resume in for an advertised position. Doesn't matter what I advertise...
Try the Alvin Draftmatic, but with the 7mm lead. It doesn't break as easily and in 2H it is the perfect tool for the field books too.
Maybe she tripped over a ratLook on the bright side of how this can open new doors for Angel!! Now she can get a part on the TV show "Grimm"!! Her ves...
Type PLOT on the command line. Under Printer/Plotter, Name window, look for "DWG to PDF.pc3" as a plotter selection.
Try increasing the value of your VIEWRES setting.
Cleaning the primary filter rack on the first settling tank at a waste treatment plant in July in Mississippi. LOTS of unusual solids there along with...
Try double clicking on the radio buttons at the top of the spread sheet. Many times that will open a Carlson pop-up that lets you change the settings....
Check your inbox. 😉
Paden, check your inbox for TWO emails. 😉
I added my SURV.pgp file that I created for Survey 2010 to my boss's 2014 w/embedded AutoCAD and it worked just fine. If you need a copy of it, send m...
You better be doing that to stop the bleeding because it sure is hell isn't going to stop the beating. :-O
Looks like my mother-in-law! She sits and eats like that. :-O
Oh, "Point Groups"!! My bad.All of that is handeled under Field to Finish. Really the easiest way is to create your own *.fld file and assign the grou...
[sarcasm]But according to the GIS gurus it IS simple. Why, you no longer need all that expensive equipmet, just a good GIS program, a computer and a d...
The same will be true if you ever get Brian Harris!! I have yet to talk to ONE Carlson tech rep that did not have his cookies all in a row. The speed ...