Congrats! There are a number of places online that you can order from that will make a state compliant rubber stamp for your purposes, look into acorn...
I used my field book today on a level run. I'm about a 1/3 through my book that I started in March. I'm not old enough to be considered old school eit...
You will need to upgrade to the new Carlson with Windows 10. Yes, you can insert images with a world file. Probably the same command and process. You ...
Arizona Professional Land Surveyors,
I can't imagine why anyone would want to look at the stars...
I figure it's time to call it in the field when the equipment starts overheating. Or maybe that's because it was 103 by 11 am today...
I get those sorts of emails constantly. The new trick is to create a fake email account with the name of someone you should trust and then make a some...
@nate-the-surveyor I wouldn't have been surprised if I had made a similar comment to my father (a surveyor) when I was about that age.
Yes, we can use a brass tag wired to the iron rebar in lieu of a plastic cap or aluminum cap. The part of this bothers me, is had I found any 1 of tho...
I have been using the Maps Made Easy app for UAS flights, Pix4D for initial processing, then sprinkle in Global Mapper and AutoCAD (Carlson, whatever)...
There are a number of online practice tests and knowledge for to train to pass your FAA part 107. Depending on where you are at in Nevada, there might...
The point cloud might work really well for your project, you wouldn't have to do much sorting/classifying to the point cloud to get to bare earth like...
I found these today, two different corners, same job site. In the second photo, the capped pipe purports to be a 1/16th corner. I have a feeling some ...
I don't believe Carlson pre-2016 is supported or can be run in Windows 10.
Joel, Here is an example of a PRJ file that Pix4D created. This particular example is a project that was done in state plane (OPUS session) but is sti...
Interesting. It would seem that no two DJI drones are alike. In the case of the Phantom 4, it's the most manufactured airframe in existence and yet it...
I can understand your meaning. Having gone through losing connections issues quite a bit myself and restarting flights mid-way in between on many dron...
I've found that having an available WiFi connection for the iPad, while flying using the app, seems to help the app figure it's location in the world ...
With Pix4D, most of the time, I'm in an arbitrary coordinate system and when I sent up the project, I indicate that I am using an arbitrary coordinate...