Can't resist telling it how it used to be. On my first survey job at Williams and Works in Grand Rapids, MI, the party chief was in control of everyth...
Nice to see the preservation effort. But I wonder.... Is it mile stone or milestone?
"we are a recording state and every survey since 2005 has had to be grid datum and coordinated." What a concept. I wonder how many of our 50 states re...
Something tells me if someone was arrested for posing as a doctor, the headline would not read "Jacksonville Doctor Arrested...."
I worked for a photogrammetry company for 20 some years before retirement. Our photogrammetrists loved it when the targets were done like Norman just ...
It is a great card game where a good memory is important. If you have played pinochle, you will "get" bridge. I spent one summer many years ago surve...
I thought I was seeing this guy's brother:His name is Oppenheimer, BTW.
Kansas has required permits for several years now when working on any State ROW. This includes KDOT projects. Correct signage is required and they do ...
Just, WOW!:-(
Wild T-1AE. First theodolite I worked with that had the automatic vertical collimation and I preferred the repeating to the direction theodolites. Pro...
ALL GONE.... thanksSold three through Surveyor Connect and one on eBay.
What you get for $775And what you get for $500 (oh dang it forgot the antenna cable you will get one though)
Can that be a Z-12 with a Whopper? Only issue with those is the long download time, unless you are logging at 30 secs. They just never quit do they?Di...
I'm pretty sure that came off an early Wild tripod. I would guess somewhere in the fifties, maybe earlier.
That has sumthin to do with Andie.;-)
The things bosses will try to get you to do:-( Many, many, years ago I was the LS of record for hundreds of surveys at a company and was indeed covere...
Now I am beginning to understand... thanks... never too late to learn:-)
Not exactly a memorial as you are describing but years ago in the San Luis valley of Colorado While searching for a section corner described as a "Pos...