I'm not quite as bad as the guy on the right, but l definitely lean in that direction.?ÿ My truck isn't too bad, but my shop is always one full day short of being organized.?ÿ One day would do it, I just never seem to find that day.
Is that a spare chainman on the right?
I have attended auctions where they open up a door like that, grab something, sell it, grab something else, sell it,.................
Keeps the crowd's attention because something REALLY GOOD might appear at any moment and they wouldn't want to miss out.?ÿ Imagine selling one snow ski, then twenty minutes later attempting to sell the other one they finally found.
I??ll take an unorganized office and truck over an unorganized mind every time. ?ÿBrain clutter can be a real problem.
@dave-lindell yes always carry a spare chainman, it keeps the other one in line.
In-line, or On-line? (or are we getting into the the territory where New Yorkers stand on a line and the rest of the world stands in a line)
That particular phrase grates my teeth.?ÿ It is in line.
Nearly as bad?ÿ as Awwwunt Elizabeth instead of Ant Betty.
@richard-germiller more like ??you can be replaced with the spare chainman we have in the back.?
Except in Missouri, where it is Nuh Vay Duh.?ÿ Home of Bushwhacker Days.?ÿ If you need your bush whacked, go to Nevada, MO.
@holy-cow Hew-stun in Texas, How-stun Street in New York City.
Lan-caster California vs Lank-uster Pennsylvania?ÿ
@dave-karoly :?ÿ And if those don't confuse 'em will throw Hueneme and LaJolla at 'em.