I had a client provide me data from three Trimble recievers, all 5800's but two of them are listed as Model II's. NGS only shows a single 5800 antenna calibration.
What is the difference between a 5800 and a 5800 Model II? Can I assume the antenna calibration is the same between these two models for purposes of post processing the data?
According to the "Introduction" section of this User Guide, the way to tell if you have a 5800 or a 5800-II is to look at the sticker on the bottom.
My guess is that the difference between the two is probably firmware, not hardware, similar to the R8/R8-2/R8-3. "My guess" being the operative words there...
I looked around but couldn't find a definitive answer to the question. My best guess is that the 5800 uses the same antenna as the R8, and that the 5800 Model 2 uses the same antenna as the R8GNSS. There's about a centimeter difference in L1 phase center height between the R8 and the R8GNSS antennas.
Jim, that is probably a good guess, if you were going to submit data to OPUS from a 5800 Model II, what antenna do would you use? I see there are three R8's listed too, I would assume TRMR8_GNSS, but it could be TRMR8_GNSS3 (R8 Model III) or TRM_R8_GNSS (R8 Model II) and what is TRM_R8?
The way I see it is this is needlessly muddied by Trimble marketing a ton of receivers that look the same with similar names and no way to really know what NGS antenna model applies to what receiver (muddied somewhat more by the NGS antenna names!)
Trimble has always had a history of the marketing department working overtime, I swear they have a new receiver on the market about 10 times more often than the competition and I am not sure why? If it is really a different receiver, then give it a new name, if it isn't, then tell us it is just a new name for the same old thing, sheesh.
The Topcon Hipers are just as confusing. There are a bunch of Hiper antennas in the NGS list that don't match the actual Topcon Hiper. In other words the NGS description of the Hiper XT does not match the Hiper XT that I have. I did some redneck testing and concluded I should use the Hiper plus for both the plus and the XT that I have.
At least the GR3s only have one type of receiver and one entry in the NGS list.
> and that the 5800 Model 2 uses the same antenna as the R8GNSS.
Is the 5800 Model 2 a GNSS unit? I only have GPS data in the files I was provided?
Also, I see Trimble's Convert To RINEX utility lists R8/5800/SPS78x as a common antenna AND NGS also calls the TRM5800 and R8 the same antenna (in the TRM5800 antenna offsets file), in addition the Convert To RINEX utility outputs the antenna as a TRM5800. I am going to conclude that there is only one TRM5800 antenna, even though there are 5800 and 5800 Model 2 receivers.
unsure about 5800 model 2, but the R8 model 1 is not GNSS, whereas the R8 model 2 is GNSS.
Shelby: as far as I know, the only way to get glonass data from a Trimble GNSS receiver is to use the .T01 (or .T02) file. I may be wrong on that, but that is what I remember. I don't use glonass to post process, so I haven't really used it much. I do not believe there is the capability of glonass (or galileo) in the .dat file.
I never could figure out what the 4000 and 5000 series of receiver designations is all about. I wish they would name them more clearly/logically.
I thought the DAT file supported GLONASS, but I could be wrong. I know Convert to RINEX will extract GLONASS from a stream file (*.org as comes off an Applanix POS AV).
As a side issue, if the DAT format DOES NOT support GLONASS, then it would be good to know that when you convert a *.txx file to a *.dat file as is required by many 3rd party software packages since you may be truncating out the GLONASS data. I guess not that a big a deal, just use Convert To RINEX to go straight from *.txx to RINEX which does leave the GLONASS data in the output files if it is present.
When I convert the *.txx files I was provided to RINEX, there is no GLONASS in the output RINEX files, knowing that Convert To RINEX does support GLONASS data in the output RINEX files from other input file types leads me to believe it for sure is not present in my *.txx data files.
Not that interested in the actual GLONASS data anyway, only trying to figure out if a Trimble 5800 Model 2 has a GLONASS antenna on board and what NGS antenna model I would use if it does.
At this point I am proceeding ahead with a straight up TRM5800 for all flavors of the 5800 data I was provided, probably doesn't make a huge difference for what I am doing even if there is a cm different offset internally.
Trimble R10
Yeah...they just came out with the R10 yesterday or so.
I saw it @ the TSPS convention today. Looks nice, but $$$