So I have done a little searching and I don’t seem to be able to find a vest like this. Mine has had it’s better days but man I have had it since late 90’s. Wish I could find something like it now. Unfortunately my spreading out around the mid section doesn’t allow for it to actually fit now days. Also it has all but fallen apart. The inside shoulder area fell apart while deployed over seas in early 2000’s. And i took some old desert fatigue’s and got through the deployment.
I suggest you have one custom made by Omar the Tent Maker. If he can make my swimming trunks, I'm sure he could make you a new vest.😃
LOL. Man that vest was made to last. The ones I have been given since being back on this side of surveying are flimsy and tear easily the first time you barrel through some briars . Totally miss having that vest as being more sturdy made reaching in to grab mag nails or 60d for a traverse point etc. If you see Omar let him know I need to place an order lol.
I first learned about Omar from a buddy of mine near San Antonio. A group of ag engineers who were in town for a national confernece had been invited to spend the evening at his house and swim in his pool. I explained I had not brought my suit along. He said, "No problem". Then pulled from beneath his chaise lounge a pair of trunks that were at least four feet wide. He said he had them made special by Omar the Tent Maker.
I think every vest I've had, has lasted less than a year. Then I use it another year with it ripped around the back zipper, so it keeps catching my hammer when I try to slide it in and out, until I finally ask for a new one.
Yeah the zipper on this one it still works its just the threads and material that has slowly deteriorated over time. when I was given this vest it was already used but it lasted through working in Colorado, North Carolina georgia Mississippi TN Africa alaska and other places it served me well. Now what little i do go out to the field when i do i wish i had one just like it. Being out all week one of the first things i did was go dig it out of storage so i could possibly try and order one from somewhere. I think they use to be sold through forestry supplies or something but thats to many years ago. Maybe some old add in an old POB magazine. I just can’t remember.
Find a sewing machine and one of your precocious daughters. Patch it wherever neededl.
When I dug the vest out this morning. I found this jewel attached. I started making these before I even started surveying. I worked at an old Hardware store that started in the mid 1800’s and the pink tac balls that are still around today surveyors would come in to get parts to fix them. So I began engineering my own. This was one of them. Would easily hold 3 to 4 rolls of flagging. I made this one in 1991 and used I used it myself once I started surveying. I don’t think I could make them for under a dollar today though. I probably sold a few hundred as a 14 year old for $5 a piece back in late 80’s early 90’s I think at that time the pink ones were around $3.95 or something. With the pink balls and the black belt material folded and punched through. I don’t imagine a lot of tacs are still set these days but these I made seem to be a big hit during my teenage years. All it took was one surveyor who knows crew chief or rodman came in with a pink one that had broke and i rigged something up and then made a few and the next surveyor that came in asking for me to fix his i just sold him one of mine and they slowly started drifting in over that summer. This one was white at one time. Still seems to work lol
That song my mom loved. The wife loves her songs. And I listened to her. Had a teenage crush on Dolly. I wonder why. But Reba was the cats meow for a young buck. Loved her voice.
Hey I been looking for those socks. Where did you find them. My favorite hot summer day pair. Geezers why do you take my stuff lol. Seriously though that’s another thing that seems not to last. It seems once every few weeks another pair the heel is worn out. And yes i still ask for a pack of socks every Christmas and Birthday as they seem to not last very well these days either lol.
That looks like a forester's cruiser's vest to me. I'd check out the forestry supply sites.
If you make the mistake of buying anything from ULINE you can look forward to a lifetime of having your mailbox stuffed with their inch thick catalog every month.
In my opinion the “Party Chief” vest sold by is an excellent option. Rugged and comfortable. Made in USA, too.
Any vest that spends most of its life in a closet will last a long time. Any vest that is used and abused daily will wear out quick.
These are popular here
I don't think the 'Party Chief' vests are what they used to be. I've had 2 but will be going back to Seco for my next vest, if not sooner. They don't seem to have even basic quality control or product consistency. Not that I'm shocked, but they are not made in the North Americal anymore either.
Thanks all. I will check some of these sites out. I would agree that most vests today don’t last to long for sure . Of course I am not out a lot now days so most definitely will not be used every day like my old one was. I just like buying something that last. I don’t mind spending a little extra but some of the vest now days run $100 plus and are just cheesy made. I know the focus is on safety more than functional and durable.
I did not see Forestry Supply mentioned.