Anyone know how to use the "Level Loop Report" in Survey Link?
I have a Sokkia SDL30 digital leval that I'm using with a TDS recon that has the Survey Pro Leveling Module.
I can download the .raw data file and open it in Survey Link but when I generate the Level Loop Report there isn't any data.
Any ideas?
If you want to see my raw data file I can forward it to anyone who wants it.
I'd be interested in receiving such a raw data file.
Eventually, i'll develop a level data processing module for Copan.
I don't know the answer to your Q though.
Or, if anyone out there uses Survey Link to process leveling data I would appreciate if you could email me a copy of your raw data. If I can see how that data is supposed to look, I might be able to edit my raw data into a format that Survey Link will recognize. Email: dmgonsal at
Here are the entire contents of the raw data file:
SP,PN1,N 10000.0,E 10000.0,EL100.0,--SET NL
--Activating Level: Sokkia SDL30 Level [SDL30], COM1, 1200 baud, no parity
--Start level loop:OAKVUE on:1, Known EL:100.0
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Control Benchmark Point:1 BS EL:100.0 VD:5.094 HI:105.094 HD:44.8
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:6.118 EL:98.976 HD:52.0
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:98.976 VD:5.162 HI:104.138 HD:112.4
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:4.443 EL:99.695 HD:107.0
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:99.695 VD:7.926 HI:107.621 HD:181.1
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:3.368 EL:104.253 HD:176.7
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:104.253 VD:6.491 HI:110.744 HD:153.7
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:3.975 EL:106.769 HD:154.9
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:106.769 VD:3.964 HI:110.733 HD:158.9
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:6.478 EL:104.255 HD:149.7
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:104.255 VD:3.528 HI:107.783 HD:180.5
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:8.088 EL:99.695 HD:184.7
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:99.695 VD:4.582 HI:104.277 HD:108.1
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Turning Point: VD:5.301 EL:98.976 HD:111.9
--BS Worst Residual: ---.---
--BS to Turning Point BS EL:98.976 VD:6.003 HI:104.979 HD:44.6
--FS Worst Residual: ---.---
--FS to Control Benchmark Point:1 VD:4.978 EL:100.001 HD:52.3
--Close level loop:OAKVUE on:1, Known EL:100.0
--Loop Misclosure=0.001 usft
Hmmmmm...looks like every thing you need is there...EXCEPT a REAL height and gravity value to start with, and gravity estimates for each turning point.
Depending on where you ARE, the Helmert corrections are probably trivial, but that shouldn't stop you from calculating them anyway.
I have to admit your last post was a "747 experience" for me, wasn't "Helmert" a WWII German head protective device? 😉 Never-the-less, I have to question; why does everyone need a "program" for everything these days?
Certainly I would like a program to organize my data and minimize human error in transcribing, etc. It certainly isn't the end of the world if the program doesn't work, programs do make life easier though.
For Corbin
How bout a real world example:
Invar Rods, Balanced Turns, Micrometer Level, read to .001 feet.
Four Miles containing 78 turns between two Stability 'A' NGS Bench Marks (both are disks in bedrock) alongside a Railroad (circuit run along the access road parallel to the tracks).
Vertical Difference = +176.269 feet
(NGS record NAVD88, First Order Class I 1970)
Raw Closure w/o Helmert Corrections:
-.154 ft.
Raw Closure WITH Helmert Corrections:
-.002 ft.
Now “maybe” this is compensating error, but I don't think so (in this case). A number of other NGS Bench Marks were observed (see below) although their stabilities were “C' and 'D' (except for T-173). Note the data below is in METERS (cut and paste from my Helmert Program output).
Station S T Leveled Helmert Gravity Record Rec-Hel
U-173 (TC-16) A * 44 1356.0650 1356.0650 979.7970 1356.065* 0.0000
16 10.5149
T-173 (TC-18) A * 60 1366.5799 1366.5863 979.7915 1366.589* 0.0027
16 4.8292
BM_1 (TC-01) ? 76 1371.4091 1371.3674 979.8255 0.000 --
16 14.0465
R-173 (TC-19) C 92 1385.4556 1385.4779 979.7788 1385.479 -0.0011
12 10.6477
Q-173 (TC-20) D 104 1396.1033 1396.1316 979.7737 1396.137 -0.0054
18 13.6417
P-173 (TC-21) A * 122 1409.7450 1409.7914 979.7599 1409.792* -0.0006
Now it should be noted here that the gravitational gradient that heavily influenced these results, is NOT typical for a ~180 foot elevation change, and reflects the situs of this circuit relative to a significant Mountain Range (which the circuit is more or less paralleling along the Range Front).
Now I would submit that this type of gravitational situation is NOT all THAT uncommon in the Western HALF of CONUS, and in some areas it is even MORE pronounced. I mean shucks man, we are only talking about a “grade” of about 1% along this route.
Now maybe .15 feet in four miles is within the warm and fuzzy of some folks, but as EASY as the Helmert Corrections are to do, I just don't think that it's something that should be neglected as a matter of convenience or [canned] software limitations.
It wouldn't be very difficult to generate a stand-alone program (in BASIC) to read, format, and process the file that Dylan posted. Adding in the Helmert Correction routine would be even easier, and then all you need is the NAVD88 Gravity values of the TBM(s), and Bench Marks along the way.
SHORT loops with minimal height/gravity variations are NOT going to benefit much (if any) from the Helmert corrections, but you don't really know for sure until you run them.
Just my 2 bits,
Hmmmm the Beerleg font really messes up the formatting, but I don't know how to change it!
Sorry for the resurection, just curious if you ever found a solution to this problem? I recently purchased the leveling module for TDS Survey Pro to use with a Topcon DL-102c. I much prefer using the data collector to store the level work, but I can not print the level notes in an easy to use format. The Survey Link Level Loop report appears to be the answer, but Survey Link views the level lines in the Raw data as "invalid". Anyone have the solution for that? I sure hope this level module wasn't a total waste of time and money...