The high water line - previously 7 courses - now retraced - you know with rtk ground shots- into this??
this is what lack of mentoring looks like??
Why monitor it when is will change with each passing major storm?
I'm assuming that you do not like the additional shots on the water line?
What does SMH mean?
Wouldn't it be SPPR?
One of my pet peeves is people who don't say what they mean! (Grin)?ÿ
Ps, I'm a guy you have to 'splain things to!?ÿ
What does SMH mean?
Wouldn't it be SPPR?
Take your pick ...
Shaking My Head
So Much Hate
Sanitary Maintenance Hole
Sydney Morning Herald
Survey of Maternal Health (Canadian)
Wouldn't it be SPPR?
Specialist, Public Relations (US Navy)
Share Price Performance Rights (executive bonus scheme)
Single Point Pressure Refueling (aviation)
Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
Saskatchewan Personal Property Registry (Canada)
Society for the Protection of Personal Rights (Israel)
This sort of crap started showing up on stuff way back in the 1960's, long before RTK.?ÿ Turn mathematicians loose and they will screw up all sorts of things.?ÿ I've seen such calls for the centerlines of small, medium and large creeks?ÿ that most definitely would never agree with the thalweg.
It almost looks as though you could combine a number of those shorter courses, with similar bearing, and end up with the other description of seven courses.?ÿ some don't seem to change materially.
Are you able to double the quote and billing for that type of 'quality' ??
We have always done easements along ranch two track and lightly developed access roads.
Prior to RTK/GPS it was an activity that consisted of designing the centerline in the field.
PI's, PC's, PT's were shot as the road was located and when the points were put into Autocad they were simply connected and a bit of adjustment for curves were done to develop the centerline for a description.
All that changed with RTK, now the centerline road is located usually by driving along it with a 4-wheeler or truck and collecting points every 25 feet or every 5 seconds. One of the first jobs like that the computer tech connected each point and created a centerline description 8 pages long. I went in and designed the road and it fit on one page. RTK makes it easier in the field, but you need to spend office time to make it a real description.?ÿ
Same issue Rankin has. The line, whatever it is, needs to be looked at beyond the RTK shots, needless to say making it 3D adds another variation to the description.?ÿ
Arithmetic takes over.?ÿ I got a set of sanitary sewer plans to stake one time that had the invert elevations to the thousandth of a foot and the per cent of slope to the ten thousandth.?ÿ I can't blame the draftsman, they just pick the ends of the line and attach them to the drawing.?ÿ I blame whoever was supposed to review and stamp the drawings, if anyone did.
Bet you can't guess where I picked it up as a go-to word.?ÿ Yup.?ÿ Right here.?ÿ Years ago.
Had one similar to that, but wasn't for a description, the Engineers did that for the design centerline, so every shot was an angle point and the curves were done as a best fit - tangency be damned. When I said something to the team leader he asked me to fix it as I saw fit and also if I could write instructions that they could follow for the next time. I believe I posted them here once before when a similar discussion came up, I think I brought a copy with me, or I can get one if someone would like, they were created with Civil3D in mind, but I'm sure the process would be the same no matter the software, just some command terminology may differ.
I think the fist place I read it was a book by some guy named Curtis Brown (2nd Edition, I think, pre Robillard), or maybe Skelton or Clark.