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Posts: 347
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Was setting out some points for roadworks and saw this police ribbon but nobody todl me anything. I didn't see it was a bomb (WW II most likely). Passed it some ten times.

Then the bomb squad arrived and i was removed from the area:-)

Posted : April 1, 2017 8:07 am
Posts: 25369

Just how explosive of a fellow are you?

Posted : April 1, 2017 9:11 am
Posts: 3370

It would seem that someone picked it up from where it was buried and placed it there. Belgian Chris has posted similar pictures in the past. I can't imagine what that's like to be digging knowing what might be there.

Posted : April 1, 2017 10:08 am
Posts: 7403

[USER=424]@Mark Mayer[/USER]

How about living over the stuff.
This was big time news in FL.

Posted : April 1, 2017 10:23 am
Posts: 347
Topic starter

They find them all of the time but mainly in western flanders. Where i work mostly it's rare. Road works kept going on, there was a Building construction site at 200m, nobody cared and went on with theorie jobs

Posted : April 1, 2017 1:10 pm

Posts: 163

Ben je Nederlands?

Posted : April 3, 2017 5:59 am
Posts: 347
Topic starter

ja, euh yes;)

Posted : April 3, 2017 7:28 am
Posts: 819

I know a surveyor who once found what appeared to be unexploded ordinance on a job site. Being ex-military, he knew what it was, so he called to report it. He said no one seemed to concerned until he told them he was near a school, then everything went nuts - bomb squad, news reporters, etc. It turned out to be inert training rounds, but still scary.

Posted : April 3, 2017 9:51 am
Posts: 11088

C Billingsley, post: 421592, member: 1965 wrote: I know a surveyor who once found what appeared to be unexploded ordinance on a job site. Being ex-military, he knew what it was, so he called to report it. He said no one seemed to concerned until he told them he was near a school, then everything went nuts - bomb squad, news reporters, etc. It turned out to be inert training rounds, but still scary.

We have an area in northern Oklahoma called the Salt Plains. It's about a twenty sq. mi. area of desolate salt flats. There is a crystal that forms in the salts and the Park Rangers allow folks to dig for the crystals. It was also a good place to practice aerial bombing in WWII...

While they have uncovered a few practice bombs over the years the most startling was a Boy Scout Troop that uncovered a few vials of WWII era chemical weapon style blistering agent. The park was closed and a search revealed hundreds of the vials still hidden in the flats....:(

Posted : April 3, 2017 9:57 am
Posts: 100

This was my Sunday job...

There was even lunch


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Posted : April 4, 2017 3:16 pm

Posts: 11088

douglascasementl, post: 421857, member: 11341 wrote: This was my Sunday job...

There was even lunch


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looks a bit chilly for this Okie.

Posted : April 4, 2017 3:18 pm
Posts: 100

looks a bit chilly for this Okie.

Temp was in the low 50's. The walk down there warmed you up

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Posted : April 5, 2017 7:11 am
Posts: 163

beuckie, post: 421571, member: 2245 wrote: ja, euh yes;)

Mijn oude vrouw uit Leeuwarden. Waar ben je? Drinken wat Berenburg voor mij, het zal mij viel beter.

Posted : April 5, 2017 11:15 am