Complicated in town boundary for the last 2 days.
First of all it was 85 degrees yesterday and today it was 45 degrees with the wind just howling.
Had to be on State Plane and Navd datum, so the Hipers were used to bring in some control a mile away.
Then, since the site was just covered up with large oaks, the Leica 1105 robot got its turn, 5 traverse legs and 250 plus shots. One setup, the gun was across a busy highway, so had to deal with semis going by every minute.
Heavily used the Disto in the measuring up part.
Then, my Leitz NA2 level got dusted off and we ran a loop around the control traverse just to check things. BTW, we closed flat.
It was only 3 acres, but it was the most congested site I have seen in awhile.
Nice to see all of my investments getting used.
Getting the office work done tonight and getting paid tomorrow. (yea!!)
And the drafting has begun.
Merry Christmas Everyone
> and getting paid tomorrow. (yea!!)
I thought that was the best part of the story!
Just put a proposal together to survey this place.
Had to charge extra because you never know what kind of vermin you may run into 😉
Wear a suit and carry a leather briefcase. They will think you are one of them.
Same here, kinda. Ran a loop with the old Zeiss Ni2.
Sometimes it fun and relaxing because of the simplicity
of the process. Now I can sit back and do the
office work in cozy comfort as the storm swirls in
Oh and Merry Christmas y'all.
What? No Plumb bob?
> What? No Plumb bob?
If he ran a level loop, I have a sneaky suspicion that their may have been a turn or two on top of a plumbob.
I don't care who
you are, that there is funny!
> What? No Plumb bob?
I use my plumb bob all the time, when I use my disto....