I was wondering when you're traversing instead of using the rod , can you use the crystal balls. and put a Crystall ball in every intersection of the traverse and run the traverse with the Topcon robot . if you do this you wouldn't have to always set up at every intersection. maybe not because you always have to take the backsight
I have never heard the term crystal balls. What are you referring to.
Oh those are for scanners. Not used in a typical conventional traverse. With total station or robot. Usually traversing is done to a prism. Preferably to a tripod with tribrach and prism. A rod will do as well. Heck we use to take Back Sites angle only to a plumb bob. It truly depends on requirements and then time. Time is money. In todays world with robots not many are having to look through the gun and site manually so a rod and prism or tripod with tribrach and prism.
You could use retro-reflective tape and just pepper an area with it and perform resections with you direct-reflect/reflectorless shots from wherever you need to setup. Much cheaper than spherical prisms.