Gotta love the client that initially indicates to you that he is not aware of a survey ever being done for his property or his neighbors, has never seen any stakes or markers of any kind, and, in general, has NO IDEA of where his property line might be.
Then he's SHOCKED at where the line is when you are done with the survey. "The line is way over there???
But did he pay the bill?
Just did a survey in a tough area and found all the originals I could, and set the line. There was a fence that is clearly thrown up for a corral, and there was some old chimney in the area. Just nothing at all visual that gives you an idea of the property line. The adjoiner was selling the property at the time.
The new guy buys the other house and calls me: "what are your pipes doing running through my property? Those cannot be right." I asked if he had a surveyor tell him this, and he said no, they just cannot be right.
Ok thanks bud. I will try to work better to please your presumptions the next time around.
Target, don't tell me this was on Long Lake!
Yesterday was called out to do a retracement survey on a property where the homeowner had just bought the property 3 mos. prior. I found every corner and set nothing. There was a survey ordered by the previous owner around 4 mos. before they closed and they never told the new owner,In fact the survey hadn't even been recorded yet, so I didnt even know about it. Gotta love it when you show up and it's that easy!
We don't hit a lick like that very often. It's nice though.