My left shoulder from carrying the tripod over many hill and dale and bouncing off of trees and such was the first to register a twinge. The next was my right, it just kinda got soft. I can barely keep both arm elevated and that's without any added weight of work items. The robot rod with bipod and everything attached is just a bugger. It is a happy moment when I can take off the bipod and shoot driveways, houses, road asphalt, etc. it cuts 2/3's the weight it seems.
Naw, that looks like the mark that is left when you happen to tell mama her butt looks a little bigger.
My left shoulder from rod, bad back from numerous things, bad knees from hidden holes and speed bark, tendon issues in my foot from standing all day, but other than that pain free.
Transit Eye
When I was much younger, I thought "Transit Eye" meant one had a good eye for being able to line things up or estimate angles. Now that I have "Transit Eye", I know that it's the astigmatism that develops from years of looking through the scope of an instrument with the same eye all the time.
> My left shoulder from rod, bad back from numerous things, bad knees from hidden holes and speed bark, tendon issues in my foot from standing all day, but other than that pain free.
I got plantar faciattii (sp?) that bothers the heck out of me now, and I get stingers/burners on my ankles at any given time when my boots aren't laced right (for serious), but I know what you mean.
> bad knees from hidden holes and speed bark
What's speed bark? I've never run across the term before.
Transit Eye
I can raise my right eyebrow, but not my left, ie raising it alone!
Demented surveyor, that I am!