I found an original stone last week. It has all the right notches, and found evidence of pits too. Problem is everyone is using a prorated rebar, from a lazy surveyor 30 years ago. Stone was up 4" and should have been found.
My question..Do I upset the apple cart, or go with a bad corner that has been used 3 decades.
Difference is roughly 60' East West, and about 12 North South.
Can't tell from the information given but reliance on a survey for 30 years should be given great weight.
If when you say used for 30 years, you actually mean mean held for line and used as the basis for occupation, i.e. there are lines of fences that go right to it or project to it, then you probably should accept it.
Bad corner held for thirty years equals good corner.
But if you mean merely shown on surveys and used as a POB, but no physical occupation set on a line with it, then you may not have to accept it.
History is I was hired by a family that has owned land in this section over 60 years. One 1/4 has been subdivided by previous blunder. Last 20 years have had disputes over fence lines in the farm ground. The stone I found supports the farmers.
Read my last comment. It was never accepted by the senior owners.
There is a dispute.
The stone supports one side.
You may have your answer.
Honestly my decision is to hold original GLO Stone. I was just curious on others thoughts. We've been taught the original stone holds, unless a resurvey was done.
So you want to be a surveyor?
Go back and read some of those posts; I believe you have a similar situation.
I also believe TM went with the stone, that's what I would do. If you accept an erroneous rebar, you're just as wrong as the guy who set it and all of those that followed him.
Yes, I was writing while you posted that. Based on reading that information, I would accept the original stone.
So you want to be a surveyor?
The Stone was set on original Patton. It is the answer.
You failed to disclose in your original post that you are working for a property owner favored by the stone.
Technicians follow rules.
Professionals follow reasoning.
No fence lines were altered. The senior owners disputed surveys from the beginning. A bad Survey doesn't change the original survey, just pisses people off. They hired me.
So you want to be a surveyor?
> I also believe TM went with the stone, that's what I would do. If you accept an erroneous rebar, you're just as wrong as the guy who set it and all of those that followed him.
If you're referring to the old Pipe vs. the Stone case from what must be ten years ago, as I recall it, TM went with the pipe. In that survey the original stone was still there but apparently none of the owners had ever used it or even known about it. They all accepted and held a later set pipe for many decades, perhaps a hundred years. TM held the newer pipe. This is all from memory, so if I got it wrong...
Therefore, the main thrust of that survey doesn't match this one; whether or not the original stone has seen acceptance and use for a long period of time from the landowners.
Is there public land involved in any of the sections controlled by this stone?
It is kind of hard to tell exactly what is going on, but it sounds like the stone you found is supported by the evidence on the ground (long held fences) and the proportioned "corner" is what has started the consternation in the area.
However, for lines run and accepted using the proportioned corner, it may be too late to change them without more evidence and involvement of the affected parties. But it sounds like you have found the solution that supports what is on the ground in the section.
> We've been taught the original stone holds, unless a resurvey was done.
Could you please explain this statement a little more?
So you want to be a surveyor?
TM's corner was a C 1/4 as opposed to an original GLO.
You have to use the original stone. Your position is further supported by the pits. Take lots of pictures and document well!!
Someone else has already upset the apple cart by placing another monument, not you.
You have to sleep at night, so do the right thing, not what everyone else has been doing.