The information age delivered by the Internet and Facebook in particular demands a huge amount of information, quality absolutely doesn't matter, just feed more information.?ÿ Anyone can develop any stream of information and especially on Facebook trying to disabuse someone of their incorrect ideas is a futile endeavor, you may as well try to carefully move a brick wall with a Dodge Charger at 70mph.?ÿ The Flat Earth Society is a perfect example and result of this.
It's almost a contrarian thing.?ÿ You can keep someone going around and around if you are a skilled Flat Earther.
It's kind of like GIS (which is getting better in some places), suddenly there is this demand for information to complete the database which requires a location, so give it one.?ÿ If you are keeping track of water services or sewer connections 10' doesn't matter anyway.?ÿ A street address needs to be a lat/long on the property somewhere, naturally if you have the boundaries 100' off then things start going haywire.
Just read this today
Interesting take on the subject by a Ph.D. physicist.?ÿ She finds a lesson in it for those of conventional views.
@Dave Karoly That was well put!
"You can keep someone going around and around if you are a skilled Flat Earther."
The irony!
and guess where Seattle is...
@dougie I was thinking the same thing you were without reading your comment.?ÿ
...and then I saw your comment. Well played.?ÿ
It seems to me that there are 3 identifiable groups of people that either:
A.) Believe in things that are demonstrably, unquestionably wrong, or
B.) Pretend to believe in things that are demonstrably, unquestionably wrong.?ÿ
I suspect but don't know that a Venn diagram would show a large overlap among the 3 groups.?ÿ
The groups are:
1) Flat Earthers
2) Professional Wrestling fans
3) Can't say without violating the P&R rules.?ÿ
(Humor alert)
Flat earth.
It would make our coordinates so much simpler. Elevations too.
I think we should all vote FLAT EARTH!
If you don't vote flat earth, you are evil, and will be the downfall of coordinate systems everywhere. MOST surveyors can work in flat earth. No more theta angles. No more scale factors. Everything is GROUND. Let's bring this thing "Down to Earth". These high an mighty geodetic surveyors are evil. Pure evil. Evil incarnate. Why mess it all up?
All it takes a SIMPLE law, and a simple VOTE.
Come on, who is on board?
IF we can get surveyors EVERYWHERE to vote flat earth, it will solve a host of problems.....
Thank you,
IF we can get surveyors EVERYWHERE to vote flat earth, it will solve a host of problems.....
Natester, you mixin' up another batch of Blackberry wine? ?????ÿ
Now, don't blame the mixins and vittals, that yer not votin fer a fish in every pond, an a pay raise fer serberers! If you vote flat earth, we will all make more money....
Thank you!
I don't drink anymore. Thank God!?ÿ
Please explain why a simple vote for flat earth could not be made law?
Thank you!
Please explain why a simple vote for flat earth could not be made law?
Don't know the answer to that Nate. The way things are going I suppose anything's possible now.