Anyone else ever seen this note when submitting an update for an NGS datasheet? (Yellow box by me). The description I am trying to submit is about as basic as can be.
We all know you love history, but they are probable getting fed up with you submitting recovery information referenced to the 1899 Transcontinental Arc of Triangulation. 😀
It was for a 1905 USGS bench mark, so perhaps one might see it a "suspicious" activity having spent the time to go out and recover it.
When I use wifi outside of the office (i.e. public wifi), I use a VPN service to protect my info. But, will not let me access the site, saying that IP is blocked due to malicious activity.
Check what characters are allowed in the descriptive text. I've had reports rejected for that, although it's been a while and the message was different.
When you receive errors like this from the NGS website, please send an email
to the webmaster at
J.P. another neat find. Keep it up; I love to see your recovery.
Tombstone, AZ.
If you are filling in a form and have previously written up the text in a word processor and pasted it in the form, try copying that text to a text-only editor such as Notepad or Notetab. Look to see if there are any strange characters, remove them, then paste it into the form.
Or, better yet, compose your text entirely in Notepad/Notetab, then paste.