For those more recent to this site, Michael L. Binge was an active participant here a long time ago.?ÿ He is a GIS proponent from San Diego, CA.?ÿ He heads a company called MLB Geospatial and has been a contributor to certain land surveying magazines.?ÿ The comment above refers to a photo he posted that was taken many years ago.?ÿ It showed him in extremely short shorts atop a boulder, as I recall, striking a pirate-like appearance.
Mr. Binge is one of those blessed people who has never been proven to be wrong about anything, in his own mind, of course.
I met him when he came to Seattle; on one of his Ball Park visits. Binge and I had a meal with him.
Nice guy!
@dave-lindell Daryl's video montages of work he was doing were always a great addition to the boards.?ÿ Very creative guy in the way he could edit those things together.
Because of the use of pseudonyms, sometimes you can't be sure if these people are still posting.
Two Pauls come to mind:?ÿ Paul the Irishman and Paul Plutea (sp?)
Professor Cliff Mugnier (sp?)?ÿ A lot of the terms he used were over my head but he had some good input also.?ÿ
Tony Cavell
Lamon Miller
@dougie This board and the predecessors have been around so long, loss of past participants already seems to be an all too common theme.
Sam Clemons was a favorite of mine from the early days.
A more infamous one is Hub Northing, I think he is still doing hard time. ?ÿMotorcycle Surveyor is another one that come to mind, not a big contributor but a unique rig. ?ÿ
Who was the guy from Wisconsin? ?ÿHe was often accused of being a fence line surveyor and was an advocate for holding fence lines or getting the description changed to match the fences.
Versal Warthan just came to mind...
Squinty Vernier
Tom Adams
Steve Gardner
John Francis
From the western part of Texas we had Monty who would survey on horseback from time to time.?ÿ Cannot remember his full name or avatar.
Jim Petty, head chef at The Roadkill Cafe, near Fayetteville, Arkansas had to step away from fieldwork due to a significant physical ailment, as I recall.?ÿ He knew De-Rail, as he called him, in Lawton.