This is a Location monument for HES 191 in Long Tom Canyon near the Mogollon Rim in Eastern Arizona.
Is that anywhere near Hannigan Meadows or the Blue Primitive Area? I worked there in the summers of '75 and '76 with the USFS - beautiful country, but very rugged. Got any more pictures of the area?
I presume that there was a location monument set because the HES was performed prior to the arrival of the PLSS?
Jim Folkers
The HES was surveyed prior to the PLSS completion work in that area. The HES sits north of Forest Lakes Estates, on top of the rim between Heber and Kohl's Ranch. Other side of the world from the blue river area.
Yes it predates the PLSS completion surveys in the area
Nice! The cross really stands out.
Sure is a beautiful area. We traveled the length of the highway from Springville? to Morenci about 10 years ago. We snowshoed up some small peak (Rose mtn?) with excellent views.
The Rim is where I want to retire
My wife and I spent three weeks on our honeymoon along the Tonto Rim. Been back there at least 10 times since (of course, it has been thity years). Zane Grey's Cabin was lost many years ago and now the Wallow Fire really messed things up throughout the area, although Greer and Big Lake were not severely damaged. A little further East is the Gila. Worked a summer out there 40 years ago at a dude ranch. Another beautiful spot. One has to love the scenery, but it is a difficult place in which to make a living.