So the boss hands me a yellow box with 3 little USB flash drives in it and says to try out TBC. I plug in the little USB and after a few minutes it says Device Driver Loaded. Then nothing. I try the other two USB drives. Nothing. Not even recognized as drives. What am I doing wrong?
RoadBurner, post: 341588, member: 6168 wrote: So the boss hands me a yellow box with 3 little USB flash drives in it and says to try out TBC. I plug in the little USB and after a few minutes it says Device Driver Loaded. Then nothing. I try the other two USB drives. Nothing. Not even recognized as drives. What am I doing wrong?
Is TBC downloaded and installed on the computer. All my little yellow box had in it is the USB lock, looks like a small flash drive. Without the little USB device you can still open the program on the computer just not use any of the licensed features.
If TBC is not loaded there should have been some instructions on where to go to get it and download it.
There is probably a CD in that box also with the program on it. If not, download the program from the Trimble site. Install the program. Those dongles are just the key to the door. I think your boss has purchased 3 copies of TBC
I recently purchased TBC Complete. It comes in a little yellow case about 3x5x2 inches. Looks like a little TS or GPS receiver case. Inside in a tiny slot is the dongle. No CD but with the shipment was instructions in a fancy black box on how to download the program. For me it downloaded flawlessly but took some time.
The let down for me was I thought and after asking thought I'd be able to complete survey drawings (plats) with it. You might be able to with the TBC Complete edition but the dynaview code is tied up in the Advanced Drafting Module so no paperspace or line and curve tables and a bunch of other needed stuff to do a nice plat/plan/drawing. Also drawing alignments can be done but the full capability to do them is tied up in the licensing for the TBC Advanced. The upgrade to TBC Advanced and the Advanced Drafting Module costs 1.5 times as much as the TBC Complete Edition. All together about 5k to really see what it can do and I still don't know whether it will do all that Terramodel has been doing for me since 2001. Anyway, I'm going to wait until next year to buy the rest of what I need, maybe by then more features will have been added. I just want a program that will process all my field data, keep real GNSS data, allow me to do design and models, and produce a final plan/plat/model product without using any other CAD or such. I think Trimble is on that path, just not there yet.
That's it in a nutshell, LRDay. That is definitely their goal, I think they're almost at it!
You could just get Microstation with power Geopak for probably less than full blown TBC and do all you are wanting
Does that include processing static baselines?
LRDay, post: 341606, member: 571 wrote: I recently purchased TBC Complete. It comes in a little yellow case about 3x5x2 inches. Looks like a little TS or GPS receiver case. Inside in a tiny slot is the dongle. No CD but with the shipment was instructions in a fancy black box on how to download the program. For me it downloaded flawlessly but took some time.
Yep, that sounds like the box. It says TBC and Realworks. Thanks, I'll go download it 🙂
I may be wrong, but I don't think you can process static baselines. But you can do everything else. Maybe the vanilla TBC can do the necessary static work? As a former Terramodel person, Microstation with Power Geopak is pretty nice and much more survey friendly than C3D. Working with LiDAR data, exports to Google Earth is a simple one click.
I would be interested in a test run of the full blown TBC - but the price just seems ridiculous to me.
To me, if I buy a 40k instrument and 30k VRS GNSS unit, I should get full blown TBC for life! But no, that's an additional cost.