Anyone using Survey Pro version 5.5 or higher? Trying to get used to this new version and the little nuances. One of which is when doing a resection using two known points. If one does a remote elevation after the resection, this will invalidate the current station setup requiring a backsite to be set again. On the previous version, this wasn't a problem.
No, I haven't had the "pleasure" of the upgrade, yet.
Basically with Survey Pro they take the best features of one version and completely fubar them for the next upgrade. They are approaching getting pretty darn cumbersome nowadays. We have 5 point something, but it's not 5.5.
In 5.5 you can isolate the vertical and horizontal in the resection ie. Shoot cp100 then 101 then benchmark 100 then you would unclick the yes on the verticals on cp 100 and 101 and unclick the yes on the horizontal on benchmark 100. Also an FYI if you want to d and r shots on only the vertical or only the horizontal you can change that at any point during the resection by hitting the back button. My biggest gripe now is the lack of ability to manually input roads.
We are running SPSP v5.5.2. Everyone likes it. We pay $300 per year for each collector, so we upgrade every time that an update comes out.
I'm thinking about upgrading. Using 5.2.1. currently. Has one of the most irritating little bugs where it will default to International Feet for units when I select a State Plane projection, which by definition is in US Survey Feet. Very annoying.
We work in multiple states, using both US Survey Feet and International Feet. The default is not an issue, as our crews are always checking the projection settings when they create a .SURVEY file.