I am having a sporadic issue with quotation marks appearing around my point descriptions in my csv files. sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't.
There are times when I use Excel to modify,renumber my point files, and for some reason, the quotation marks appear. I had this issue a while back,and somehow "accidentally fixed it", but cannot figure out what I did. I cannot remember if ot was a setting in Excel or a setting in my Foresight DXM software.
Any help anyone can provide is greatly appreciated.
It may have something to do with your cell formatting in Excel.
I believe if Excel perceives it as text, it adds the quotation marks. It also will not perform calculations on it.
If you format your cells to some sort of number you can probably avoid this.
Let us know if you need more help with formatting Excel cells.
Licensed Land Surveyor
Finger Lakes Region, Upstate New York
I have had the opposite problem, where I used a single quote or double quote mark to dimension something in feet and inches (1'-2") and it would drop everything after the quote when I exported the file to a csv. Do you use quote marks in the descriptors at all or are these just being randomly inserted?
A lot of text converters see quotes as qualifiers and will insert / remove them accordingly. I use Notepad++ to clean up / edit ASCII files, it's easy to do anything in there.
I will get quotation marks inserted into descriptions while creating ascii files from my COGO program.
A reinstall will fix the problem for a little while, but for some reason it will return.
SMI Transfer v7 also has text editing commands.
Instead of a reinstall every few days it is more easy to edit with replace all " with (blank or nothing).
Word or other text editor will do the same.
Thanks for the replies guys. I will monkey around with it some more tonight when I get a chance. I have to get a working preliminary ready by next Tuesday, and this is a monster topo, possibly he biggest one of my career to date.
The quotation marks are more of an annoyance than anything, but not so bad I cannot work with them. They are just unnecessary.
I'll let you know what I figure out, or if I need some additional direction.
Thanks again,
Yea, I'm with A Harris. Just open the file in Excel, and hit ctrl + F then find and replace all the " with nothing. Then save the file and re-import it into your CAD program. Not sure why it's happening, but that will fix it for now.
I have seen this, and like you fixed it and forgot about it.
Are there any commas, quotes or other unusual characters (spaces?) in your descriptions?
That might cause it.
You'll want to make sure that you are saving your file as a .csv file from Excel as well. If you save it as .xls it might be inserting those quotation marks as part of their formatting.
I've had the problem with anything after a " symbol being dropped once I get the points file into CAD, but I think that might be a CAD issue, not an issue with the file itself.
there might be a difference depending on your settings when you do a save as to .csv or to .txt
Has anybody found any good substitutes for ' and "?
On the TSC3 fn S is an accent mark that might work for feet.