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Proper Drafting Practice

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Posts: 10522
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Single long line, Multiple Segments.

Label long line. Brg/Dist.  with the label a bit off further off the line.

Add little distances for all segments, and check that they all add up to the total.

The basic goal is to eliminate ambiguity.

I am seeing many plats these days, that leave ambiguity,  via the labeling mechanism.

My dad took mechanical drafting in college. He taught me this.



Posted : August 12, 2023 12:03 pm
Posts: 25369

Seven lots total to 777.78 feet.  Nope.  It's actually 777.77 feet.  Each lot is 111.11.  Just because the software chose a given point in time to say "NOW!" to grab a reading that went from 777.75 to 777.79 and it came up 777.78 does not mean you can't select 777.77 as the best value.  You need to be smarter than your software.

Same thing with parallel lines disagreeing by one arc-second over 200 feet.

Posted : August 12, 2023 6:39 pm
Posts: 2534

This is the kind of stuff you don’t get to read in a book. Love reading this type of information as ut is what happens every day and decisions have to be made with knowledge and understanding. So we can become wise 

Posted : August 12, 2023 6:57 pm
Posts: 25369


Careful, I just poked the bear that is slumbering over the weekend.

Posted : August 12, 2023 7:01 pm
Posts: 2534

@holy-cow well somebody had has to sometimes. This kind of reading helps me to harness my orbital side. Talking about numbers. When doing earth orientation daily we had no room for errors. Like -10 or 16th power. All i know now is when someone sais they hit a control point less than a tenth i am like ok no problem lol. But honestly this site has helped me more than anything to get my brain to function correctly and not chase millimeters and tenths of a mm. Or tenths of arcs. I honestly think if i would have not been following the last couple years off and on before returning to private side i would have never made it. My first time running a traverse I freaked when I didn’t close better than 1:100,000 and was trying to figure out if i was not plumbing over the point as i had set all the bs and fs up. I went through and cked each tribrach the crew chief i helped part time was like we never close better than 1:50,000. It was for darn wetlands locations. I had to regroup quickly and remember i use to traverse sighting a plumb bob string and i am not building a watch. It is easy to get into the weeds when you lived it everyday for years.  And when life actually was in play if you were not paying attention. Now i am almost normal again. Lol

Posted : August 12, 2023 7:28 pm

Posts: 25369


In PLSSia, I have been told North-South lines are lines but East-West lines are curves.  I've never quite figured out what a Southwest-Northeast line is supposed to be.

So, a block 400 feet long from West to East must have curved lot lines.  How much 'bend' in each 50-foot lot?

Posted : August 12, 2023 7:37 pm
Posts: 2534

@holy-cow i am not sure i. Such a short distance my calculator could show that. Lol. I would have to do the math but my gut sais that short of a distance its negligible. But i have made a mental note to look that up as it sounds like a test question. I also think at say 1500 ft if i can visualize in my head we are talking around a 1/2” rebar or less in that distance so at 400 ft and 50 ft a hair on a dog maybe. But I promise i will be getting my blue book from work next week and looking through that to make sure as i am sitting here now trying to think. Now i will probably wake up at sometime in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep because my brain will be smoking.

Posted : August 12, 2023 8:15 pm
Posts: 2534

@holy-cow lines running north south converge at poles lines of latitude are parallel. I will not sleep a wink tonight. Darn you. Now i will have to book mark my wattles book as i was about to get a chapter read before bed. But no you had to bring math into it lol. Have a good one. And appreciate all your post. Awesome learning here. One day i can piece all this information together and actually do something with it.

Posted : August 12, 2023 8:21 pm
Posts: 347

@holy-cow You are taunting @olemanriver.  You should be ashamed of yourself for keeping him up at night....

Posted : August 13, 2023 6:42 am
Posts: 2534

@notsomuch its ok. He has to have someone to pick on and well it keeps me honest. Last night at a 1130 my time i had already had a full day in the heat on the farm and wast trying to get my brain back into study mode. The kids where in bed and wife and i had my wattles book ready to learn about writing legal descriptions. And he threw math at me and my brain had a malfunction lol. Good thing to as i just went on to bed. About 0100 am. I could not focus on wattles i kept dozing off lol. I had nightmares that double proportioning and single proportioning was the only way to solve a missing corner and i was fighting with the math god’s saying but here is the corner right here. I miss the plss system. I only had about 4 or so years working in it. And most of that was eye man and some crew chief time. So i am not even close to being an novice. My time there did help me on the FS exam as i was able to recall enough to pass that last year. Now ps and state specific. I am sure the PS will have more and have been making a list of possible questions to study. Now i am in legal description mode because it’s both prep for exams and i am writing some for projects. So i can compare to what the boss comes up with as me its for learning. This site probably helped me more than anything. As I went through topics here i would go researching on it to prep for fs. Lots of great minds here.  So i am soaking up all I can. yall have a good one. Time to move the chicken coop so i can do some much needed repairs before winter sets in and a new batch of layers are delivered for the kids and they can earn some money for the extra curricular activities they are i.

Posted : August 13, 2023 7:55 am

Posts: 25369


Grinning big time.  Just when you think you have it all figured out, someone throws a curveball at you.

Posted : August 13, 2023 11:19 am
Posts: 564

My dad was a high school drafting teacher and part-time drafting instructor. At some point I picked up the idea that the segments of a line should be labeled so the length is not over-determined. So for a line that has three segments and four points labeled A, B, C, D, you could give dimensions for AB, BC, and AD, but you would not then give the dimension for CD. But this was essentially for machine drawing, and the dimensions would be design dimensions, not measured dimension.

In my professional work in integrated circuits it wasn't feasible to draw any significant part of a project on paper, so the various points had x, y locations and if you wanted to know the distance between two points, you went on the CAD system and asked the computer. Drawings with labeled dimensions were seldom made.

In the late 70s I estimated that a drawing of an integrated circuit large enough that the lines could be drawn by hand would have been the size of San Francisco Bay.

Posted : August 14, 2023 8:25 am
Posts: 7715

Careful, I just poked the bear that is slumbering

Latitudinal lines are straight, once you have defined what a straight line on a curved surface means. 

Posted : August 14, 2023 9:12 am
Posts: 25369


What was the name of our old buddy who had been up near the top of Government surveyors but was retired.  Liked to argue with everyone.  The other Kent.

Posted : August 14, 2023 10:14 am
Posts: 25369

He held that if a subdivision indicated the street ran parallel with the east-west section line then the blocks were not formed of straight lines as one might see by looking through an EDM for the full length of the subdivision.

Posted : August 14, 2023 10:17 am

Posts: 9864

The other Kent.

Kieth Williams?

But he was stuck on one or two topics. Kent was much more fun because he could argue about anything.

Posted : August 14, 2023 11:09 am
Posts: 10522
Topic starter

Kent was much more fun because he could argue about anything.

Could Not.


Posted : August 14, 2023 11:45 am
Posts: 25369

Could to!!!!

Yes, Keith Williams.  He coined the term Bogus Theory, I believe.

Posted : August 14, 2023 12:02 pm
Posts: 2534


CC9FE81F 8EC1 4865 B2E1 FAD5250D2D29

   Ok i got this from work today and will this get me the answer to the problem. I had almost forgot i had one of these. Only one i have. Given to me in th 90’s from a PlS. When I worked out in a PLSS state I stayed up on this but i have slept a bunch since then. I reviewed some of it before the FS exam last year. I have not forgotten about the problem. I am just swamped.  I am headed out now to meet some crews to get them ready for a project starting tomorrow and next week. We need my surveyors. I am so swamped i can’t study lol.

Posted : August 14, 2023 2:37 pm
Posts: 25369


Yes and no.

That book was not in existence when the surveys were performed that you are attempting to follow.  For example,  Land beginning less than 10 miles to north of me was surveyed about 1853 per one set of instructions.  All land south of that Indian Treaty Boundary was surveyed between 1865-1867 under a different set of instructions.  Go 30 miles to the east (which I do not do) and the time frame is prior to 1825.  Go 50 miles to the south (which I do not do) and the dates are significantly more recent.  When did Burt's Solar Compass first get used by the contractors performing the Government surveys?  Were the local people friendly towards the survey crews or not?  How frequently did measurement tools go through a standards check, if ever?  How many miles between standard parallels?  Were the standard parallels run with the same survey equipment as the township boundaries and then the interiors of each township?  Were guide meridians used to supplement the Principal Meridian?  If so, how were they established?

Yes and no add up to MAYBE.

Posted : August 14, 2023 3:23 pm

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